Thursday, December 26, 2019
Early Years Fundation Stage Degree Free Essay Example, 2250 words
For example, T. A.: †¦? What are we looking in the blood? Child: Blood test. T.A. : What are we looking in the blood test? The example clearly reflects difficulty for the child to understand what is asked as he was not able to understand the question. The children generally repeat new words they hear from adult. Repetition helps the to get the meaning. For example, T. A.: Are you going to put the baby in the bed now? Child: Yeah. T.A. : All right. Child: †¦ I’ll put you in the bed now. These examples reveal that social interaction and play assist children to learn and acquire language skills during play. According to Whitehead (2007) in( Block 5 chapter 12) many children develop effective learning skills at the age of 4 and they communicate effectively in the manner of an adult. For example, in the DVD, it is observed that the child use the style and tone of language that is characteristic of adults. Child: I need an injection in a minute. In this sentence, the professional and authoritative style of a child is also clear. This clearly reveals that the children develop language and communication skills from observations and interactions social environment. We will write a custom essay sample on Early Years Fundation Stage Degree or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now In Block 5 chapter 12, Whitehead (2007) argued that listening, observing and experimenting with language and interacting with and imitating others helps in developing language and communication skills of children. Selected DVD of the play "Hospital play" also reveals that play, especially role play have a major contribution in developing understanding about the real world. During the play, children developed better understanding of the hospital environment, the process, and functions at the hospital as well as information about many equipments, tools, and items use in the real hospital setting. Children developed understanding about the procedure of blood test, collecting blood samples, labeling of bottles, the need and importance of names in order to label the blood samples and to recognise the samples of blood. Children learn that they need to provide care to the patients. During play, children gain technical terms such as a microscope to test the blood sample. Children also learn that they use calamine lotion, and they also explain that they keep blood samples and lotions in bottle with proper labels on bottles. Therefore, DVD clearly reveals that children develop knowledge about the world. As discussed and explained in book 3, study 1, Gaining knowledge and understanding the world depends on interpreting acquired observations, ideas and experiences.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Humiliating Nature of Enslavement, Sexual Savage...
The humiliating nature of enslavement, sexual savage exploitation, and degradation in autobiographical narratives of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Ann Jacobs In the age of Romanticism, slavery and the slave trade provoked sharp criticism and controversy and played a very significant role in shaping public opinion and causing moral opposition to injustice and tyranny. Since Columbus’s journey opened the doors of the Atlantic passage to African Slave Trade, slavery became man’s greatest inhumanity to man â€Å"converting†the victims into labor and economic units of production. The foundation of African culture and civilization stagnated, decayed and almost disappeared within the over three hundred years of the Christian motivated evil of†¦show more content†¦That is why throughout his life, he worked very hard to read and write, attain more knowledge, and share this knowledge with others suffering alongside him as slaves. â€Å"The work of instructing my dear fellow-slaves was the sweetest engagement with which I was ever blessed†¦I succeeded in creating in them a strong desire to learn how to readâ₠¬ (Douglass). However, while Douglass mostly spoke about his black brothers and sisters as one whole – the brotherhood, Jacobs in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself portrayed the wrongs inflicted by slavery in the eyes of women slaves and the sexual tyranny exerted by white slave masters over black women†(Jacobs). Reader, be assured this narrative is no fiction†¦I was born and reared in Slavery†¦I do earnestly desire to arouse the women of the North to realizing sense of the condition of two millions of women at the South, still in bondage, suffering what I suffered, and most of them far worse. (Jacobs) With these words, Harriet Ann Jacobs revealed her personal story of enslavement, sexual savage exploitation, and degradation. In appealing to white women to look at life from her perspective, Jacobs was hoping to portray the cruelty of slavery in the eyes of a woman. She did not talk about severe whipping or punishments like Douglass but rather Christmas which she could not spend with
Monday, December 9, 2019
Security Issues in E Commerce and Marketing
Question: Discuss the privacy and security issues in e-commerce and possible solutions? Answer: 1. Introduction A Business Week Study found that over considerable of web clients were exceptionally connected with over the utilization of private points of interest, and 57% coveted a tenet is controlling how private subtle elements are accumulated and utilized (Poll, 2000). In the same way, (Culnan, 2000) proposed that protection issues were a pivotal motivation behind why individuals don't go on the web and give deceptions on the web. On the other hand, in light of space confinements we can't yearning to appropriately to focus each. Watch, nonetheless, that there is a strenuous exploration, examination around a significant number of these thoughts (Clarke, 1999) 2. Literature Review We accept this issue emerges from another mechanical air for customers and organizations, the bringing about data dissemination with critical profits to organizations and customers, client issues in the new atmosphere, and directing endeavours to control this climate. It is vital to fathom every one of those, and to appreciate the exchange offs. Privacy as an organization issue is amazingly sensitive to changes in the close-by viewpoint. Modifications in individuals' targets, or in controlling government, can significantly alter organization issues and opportunities. 2.1. Background Obviously, there are numerous work at home open doors in the altering innovative environment (Dhillon, 2001). The utilization of computerized frameworks permits data get at a much bigger rate and opportunity than beforehand; e-business websites could perhaps accumulate a huge measure of data about choices, shopping styles, styles of data search for and utilization, and so forth about customers, particularly if collected crosswise over sites. Not just is it more straightforward than any time in recent memory to accumulate the data, it is additionally much less complex to search for these data. The data are valuable for reusing, for instance, in discovering planned deals to current customers. Too, the data are additionally valuable to aggregators or four different sorts of exchange. Undoubtedly, reusing and exchange are in the meantime, both imminent open doors and issues. Incidentally, the same strategies that give quality to organizations and their customers additionally build securi ty issues (Culnan, 1999). Customers point of view is, numerous e-business sites are doing very bad with the data of their clients. Buyers' perspectives in this have been checked by press encounters of especially deplorable protection issues and promoting issues. For the most part examining, customers are just checking in their perspectives by the press. As depicted, only a few customers believe in organizations to keep their data individual. In one study, ninety two percent of members showed that actually when organizations ensured to store individual data, they are not really doing as such (Light, 2001). 3. Security Issues A client must utilize a site and sooner or later perceive, or confirm, himself to the site. For the most part, confirmation begins on the client's desktop PC and its web program. Lamentably, security issues in house PC frameworks offer online programmers different approaches to get e-commerce data and recognition data from clients(Curtin, 2000). While these particular security issues will be set by some product planners and site executives, comparable issues will keep on happening. Answers for the desktop PC comprise of POS devices in black and-mortar shops, and an assortment of versatile and compact contraptions (Roberts, 2002). 3.1. Analysis The client's web program joins to the seller front-end. At the point when a client does an e-shopping, the item holder's server typically stores the request's private data in a rundown of more recent buys. This database contains all things required for charge card tricks. Further, such records frequently hold 90 days of clients' buys (Borisov, 2001). Typically, online programmers break into powering web servers to gather these records of bank cards figures. Moreover, fragile web servers ought to be kept exceedingly particular, by exchanging off and dispensing with all inessential administrations and projects. Other sensible suggestions found for ensured servers (Simson Garfinkel, 2003) (Krause, 2002), and among numerous others. 4. Solutions 4.1. Public Key Concept There are one such insurance mechanical development, known as "PKI (Public key infrastructure)" procedures (Adams, 2001). Vital PKI-based, ensured techniques comprise of the retail location technique SSL (Dierks, 1999) (Rescorla, 1995) and the interbank routine bundle. PKI is a key-dissemination program in which individual gives two encrypted key components, one is for encryption and another is for decryption; these two key components together are known as a key couple (Diffie, 1976), (Rivest, 1978). The encoding key is discharged to the globe and is known as the member's group key. The decryption key-component is known as the individual key (Housley, 2002). An effectiveness advantages of PKI are that it needn't bother with a focal, amazingly accessible intermediary for each appropriately secured exchange; then again, this likewise makes it testing to know when someone else's key has been stolen or overall influenced. All things considered, PKI regularly needs a focal, amazingly acce ssible specialist for key control, and particularly for prompt recognize about suspending key-sets. This issue, the scratch-off issue, is still uncertain (Davies, 1997), notwithstanding the best endeavour up to now(Myers, 1999). 4.2. Digital Signature Concept The "digital signature" (Rabin, 1978) is the critical project of open key cryptography, and is a simple of a transcribed trademark. An advanced trademark is a cryptographic label that one and only essayist can figure; and the label's reliability can be inspected by any individual who can openness the data. This mixture of composing material with the creator's identification gives the same target as executing one's trademark to a report; an advanced trademark can be utilized to evidence assents, to offer reliability of a computerized accommodation, or to affirm distinguishing proof for availability. While e-commerce advanced marks have been quite expected, they have been minimal actualized up to now. There is still noteworthy examination forthcoming in knowing the legitimate and money related issues occupied with the lack of far reaching embracing of advanced mark based computerized business. 5. Conclusion In conclusion, security and privacy are still persistent exploration issues. There have been some energizing and essential results, on the other hand, in the most recent five decades that keep crucial repercussions for e-commerce locales and clients. Security is currently perceived, by numerous, to be a social improvement with destinations the greatest concern. Yet, privacy is additionally respected an open issue by powers, who have, however basically allowed innovative development to open up to now. Security is presently perceived to be generally fractional, the steady feline and-mouse round of assurance expert and cyberpunk. Critical mechanical changes have been executed in the most recent five years; be that as it may, it is passed that business rules may have a key an impact in site assurance. Finally, particular financial aspects and sociologically- based exploration are beginning to discover some way or another into the discharged abstract works, and we foresee that these exami nations will bring more prominent quality and aptitude to obviously filthy spots. 6. Recommendation Execution of e-commerce in Libya will perform colossal personalization through buying procedures that permit customers to settle on a decision and purchase things concerning their individual and select prerequisites. Case in point, an auto generation organization with an e-business method considers online buy of as of late planned vehicles inside few days in view of the client's favoured prerequisites. The power of e-commerce fours into the organization's creation process and obtaining is effective (Smith, 2001). Besides, the consolidation of e-business could result in to a reduction in expenses, perfect centred advertising, and the help of advancing extra things, administrations, and new strategies when needed. References Adams, C. P. S. M. Z. a. R. Z., 2001. Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure data validation and certification server protocols, l.: Internet RFC 3029. Borisov, N. I. G. a. D. W., 2001. Intercepting Mobile Communications: The Insecurity of 802.1.. l., Seventh Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking. Clarke, R., 1999. Introduction to Dataveillance and Information Privacy, and Definition of Terms. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2015]. Culnan, M. J., 2000. Protecting Privacy Online: Is Self-Regulation Working?. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 19(1), pp. 20-26. Culnan, M. J. a. P. K. A., 1999. Information Privacy Concerns, Procedural Fairness and Impersonal Trust: An Empirical Investigation. Organization Science, 10(1), pp. 104-115. Curtin, P. G. a. M., 2000. Bank One Online Puts Customer Account Information At Risk. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2015]. Davies, S. G., 1997. In Technology and Privacy: The New Landscape. In: P. A. a. M. Rotenberg, ed. Re-Engineering the Right to Privacy: How Privacy Has Been Transformed from a Right to a Commodity. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 143-165. Dhillon, G. S. a. T. T. M., 2001. Internet Privacy: Interpreting Key Issues. Information Resources Management Journal, 14(4), pp. 33-37. Dierks, T. a. C. A., 1999. The Transport Layer Security Protocol, l.: Internet RFC 2246. Diffie, W. a. M. H., 1976. New Directions in Cryptography. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 22(6), pp. 644-654. Fisher, S., 2001. Privacy By Design. InfoWorld, 23(27), pp. 20-22. Housley, R. W. P. W. F. a. D. S., 2002. Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) profile, l.: Internet RFC 3280. Krause, H. T. a. M., 2002. Information Security Management Handbook, New York: CRC Press. Light, D. A., 2001. Sure, You Can Trust Us. MIT Sloan Management Review, 43(1), p. 17. Myers, M. R. A. A. M. S. G. a. C. A., 1999. 509 Internet Public Key Infrastructure Online Certificate Status Protocol - OCSP, s.l.: Internet RFC 2560. Poll, H., 2000. Online Privacy: A Growing Threat. Business Week, 96. Rabin, M. O., 1978. Digitalized Signatures. In: R. L. a. R. D. Millo., ed. In Foundations of Secure Computation. New York: Academic Press, pp. 155-166.. Rescorla, E. a. A. S., 1995. The Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol, l.: Internet Draft. Rivest, R. A. S. a. L. A., 1978. A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems. Communications of the ACM, 21(2), pp. 120-126. Roberts, P., 2002. Bugbear Virus Spreading Rapidly, l.: PC World Online. Simson Garfinkel, A. S. a. G. S., 2003. Practical Unix Internet Security, Cambridge, MA: O'Reilley. Smith, D. M., 2001. The E-Business Book: A Step-by-Step Guide to E-Commerce and Beyond (Bloomberg). USA: John Wiley Sons.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Research Paper on Ecclesiology Essay Example
Research Paper on Ecclesiology Essay In the Pastoral Epistles, we find considerable attention given to appropriate structures of leadership and to the qualities and behavior required from elders. Here it is clear that the elders of the churches are resident members of the communities, specifically male heads of households. The leaders are referred to as episkopoi, diakonoi, and presbyteroi, although little is said about their roles and responsibilities that would enable any clear distinctions to be drawn between the functions of the different â€Å"offices.†(Holmberg 34) More attention is given to describing the qualities which must characterize such leaders. As has often been pointed out, these are essentially the stock characteristics of decent and respectable well-to-do persons in Greco-Roman society (Knight 77). The bishop or episkopos, among other things, â€Å"must mange his own household well, keeping his children submissive and respectful in every way  for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how can he take care of God’s church?†( 1 Tim 3: 4-5). Deacons likewise must â€Å"manage their children and their households well†( 1 Tim 3: 12); this wording is surely an indication also that such households often included slaves as well as wife and children. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Ecclesiology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Ecclesiology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Ecclesiology specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 1 Tim 5: 17 is an important and revealing reference. The elders who rule well (the verb proistemi is used as in Rom 12: 8 and 1 Thess 5: 12), especially those who labor in word and teaching, are to be considered worthy of â€Å"double honor,†which should most probably be taken as a reference to a level of financial support (Knight 82). The legitimation then given in verse 18 for the support of elders  resident leaders in the community  is particularly noteworthy, for it uses two citations, both of which had been used in earlier times to legitimate the material support of itinerant leaders. The citation from Deut 25: 4,  «you shall not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain, » is used by Paul in 1 Cor 9: 9 to underscore the right of the traveling apostles to support. (Campbell 62) The second citation, apparently referred to by the author of 1 Timothy as â€Å"Scripture†(graphe), along with Deut 25: 4, is the proverb of Jesus from the synoptic mission discourse which explains why the itinerant apostles can expect their support from others: â€Å"the worker is worthy of his wage†(Lk 10: 7; cf., Mt 10: 20). These scriptural and dominical legitimations for the material support of itinerant missionaries have here become legitimations for the support of resident elders. (Holmberg 101) Assuming that the Pastoral Epistles are pseudonymous, it is most likely that their implied recipients, Timothy and Titus, are indeed implied, fictional, rather than real. The entire literary framework is a pseudonymous device to convey a sense of authenticity and apostolic authority. The letters present themselves as the instruction of Paul to two of his trusted and prominent co-workers. (Wedderburn 153) This adds a further kind of legitimation to the appointment and position of the resident elders. The whole literary context of 1 Timothy, for example, is one in which Paul urges Timothy to remain in Ephesus ( 1 Tim 1: 3) so that he can ensure that sound teaching is followed, so that he can â€Å"teach and urge the duties†which the letter details (6:2b), faithfully guarding what has been entrusted to him (6: 20). If the reference to â€Å"laying on of hands†in 5:22 is to a form of  «ordination » -designating certain people as those in a position of leadership  as many commentators think (Campbell 80), then Timothy has a special charge to appoint leaders carefully. This responsibility is clearer still in the letter formally addressed to Titus, who, according to the letter, has been left in Crete in order to â€Å"appoint elders in every town†( Titus 1:5). This appointment of leaders is presented as Paul’s explicit instruction – â€Å"as I directed you.†(Towner 118) There follows a list of the qualities required of elders and of the bishop (Titus 1: 5-9). Thus the appointment and authority of resident leaders is legitimated as something commanded by Paul and enacted through his most prominent delegates. Thus the author of the Pastoral Epistles supports and strengthens the position of the elders in the churches of his time; he seeks to ensure that positions of leadership are filled by those of an appropriate social standing -male heads of households. The Pastoral Epistles are also fiercely polemical letters that expend considerable energy in labeling the opponents as â€Å"despicable deviants†13 (e.g., 1 Tim 1: 4-7, 4: 1-3, 6: 3-10; 2 Tim 2: 14-26, 3: 1-9; Titus 1: 10-14.). The conventional nature of the polemic means that it is hard to  «mirror read » from the Pastorals much reliable information concerning the beliefs, ethos, and practices of the opponents. (Towner 121) On the specific subject of leadership among the so-called false teachers, little is revealed. However, it seems clear that the â€Å"false†forms of the faith allow women to take leading roles, or at least, that women regard themselves as legitimate teachers and propagators of this faith. Why else would the author of 1 Timothy need to make the stern declaration. The author fears that, outside the structure of the household (5: 14), they will roam from house to house, â€Å"saying what they should not say†(5: 13). This can hardly with confidence be described as an itinerant form of missionary activity (though it may be that), but at the very least what we seem to encounter is a form of the faith, branded by the author of the Pastorals as false and Satanic, to which women are attracted and which they spread as they move from house to house (Towner 130). For the author of the letters, who sees an intimate connection between the structure of the household, leadership in the churches, and socially respectable behavior, such younger widows should â€Å"marry, bear children, and manage their households†(Campbell 101). Forms of the faith, which operate outside of, or present a challenge to, the structure of the household are a threat. Within the canonical Pauline corpus, then, a clear trajectory can be seen in which the locus of power and authority shifts from the itinerant apostles, Paul and his co-workers, to the male heads of households resident in the Christian communities, though this resident leadership is still legitimated in Paul’s name. Certainly it is true that a number of householders had significant power and influence in the Pauline communities during Paul’s own lifetime. It is also true that the pattern of community life and structure which the author of the Pastoral epistles urges is not uncontroversially established; it is presented in the context of a harsh and vituperative polemic against those who see things differently. The extent of the transformation should not therefore be exaggerated, but neither should it be downplayed. (Holmberg 132) Evidence from other early Christian epistles from the late first and early second century may also be drawn into this picture. 1 Peter, written from Rome sometime between 75 and 90 C.E., though it deals little with structures of leadership in the communities, addresses the elders of the communities to which the letter is sent ( 1 Pet 5: 1-4). These figures, who are probably resident leaders of seniority in both faith, age, and social position, are urged to exercise their pastoral role and â€Å"oversight,†episkopountes, willingly. And those who are younger are instructed to accept the authority of the elders (Towner 137). At custom writing service you can buy a custom research paper on Ecclesiology topics. Your research paper will be written from scratch. We hire top-rated Ph.D. and Master’s writers only to provide students with professional research paper assistance at affordable rates. Each customer will get a non-plagiarized paper with timely delivery. 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