Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Impact of Beijing Olympic Games on China Essay
The Impact of Beijing Olympic Games on China - Essay Example This paper argues that Beijing Olympic Games brought a positive impact on China, making it more competitive in the international sphere. It would also discuss the three significant themes that were accentuated in this event and would provide an in-depth analysis on the impact of the Beijing Olympic Games on economic, socio-political, environmental, and technological aspects of China. Essence of the Olympic Games in Beijing China According to Kronick and Dorne, managing director of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide and associate in Corporate Communications at Ogilvy & Mather China, respectively, the Olympic Games in 2008 is like a debutante ball for China to show to the world its wondrous Chinese culture (32). Also, it was a means to express Chinese people are now eager to communicate and join people from all over the world in promoting peace and progress (BOCOG, qtd. in Close, Askew, and Xu). After decades of closing its doors away from developing tight relations with other countries, even neighboring ones, it has finally opened the aperture towards a long-term and progressive relationship with these nations. Moreover, Kronick and Dorne refer to the Olympic games as a catalyst for change in China, just like what it already did to a number of cities like that of Tokyo, Japan, Barcelona Spain, and Sydney Australia. For instance, the 1964 Olympic Games which was held in Tokyo resulted to a technological boom due to consumers who were very eager to buy television sets just to watch the games in their homes. The same thing happened in Barcelona that held the 1992 Olympic Games wherein it awakened the sluggish place into a prestigious city. In Sydney, it incredibly showcased its unique Australian hospitality in the 2000 games (Kronick and Dorne 32). For Beijing, China, it serves as an exceptional way of marketing, no less than, the country itself. As a matter of fact, marketing experts would view the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games not solely intended for sports purposes but more importantly, as the launch of China as a superbrand that would be a huge opportunity as well as a large threat to many na tions (Kronick and Dorne 32). Apparently, China is serious on showing to the world that more than a manufacturing country, it is also on the road to a total improvement, progress, and innovation. The Beijing Olympic Games---Central Themes and Its Impact on the Macro-Environment of China In launching China as a superbrand, the Beijing Olympics in 2008 carried with it three major identifiable themes: people, technology, and â€Å"Green Olympics†(Kronick and Dorne 32). First, it highlighted people, most especially the majority of poverty-stricken Chinese who are yet to experience an upliftment of their condition. This theme on people served as the flagship in promoting a strong fight against the persisting social problems in the country (Kronick and Dorne 32). In so doing, this event had positive in the socio-political aspect of China. Second is technology which reflects the 2008 Beijing Olympics’ aim to provide highly advanced Olympic Games. The plan revealed a total of approximately US$157m worth of government funds and US$217m to 449 worth of private company contribution, all to support the Olympic technology projects (Kronick and Dorne 32). Thus, Beijing Olympic Games was an instrument to improve the technological facilities in China. Third is the so-called â€Å"
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Benefits Of Music Education Education Essay
The Benefits Of Music Education Education Essay Imagine yourself waking up in the morning to your iHome playing a song from one of your favorite playlists. While you are getting a shower, preparing yourself for the day, you start to sing a song that has been stuck in your head for days. As you are driving to school, your favorite radio station plays a continuous set list of the popular songs by your favorite artist that you enjoy listening to so much. You and your friend both meet up to talk about how many times you both have listened to the new Lady Gaga single. Because of your common interest in music with your best friends, during a free period all you are able to discuss is music and what your favorite songs are. Even while you are leaving school later on that afternoon, your favorite station is playing yet another smash hit. Something that is highly essential to everyday lift must be understood, and utilized, as frequently as possible. The positive effects of instrumental training as well as aural training, in the younger gen eration, have been widely acclaimed. Therefore, these components to an individuals development should be carried throughout all levels of secondary education in order to offer a well-rounded artistic and musical appreciation that will be of great aide to the student during their present lives and continuing through later adulthood. Out of the fine arts programs, music education is most beneficial to all aspects of an individuals development and should be made available to students.In order for a student to truly enjoy the value of precise musical training in the secondary levels of education, the several benefits of this specific training must be first established. Music education is a creative outlet for adolescents to be passionate, emotional and heartfelt. Music is a way for students to express themselves, and in a greater focus, the emotional benefits that it provides for them. Many adolescents used music as their creative outlet from the academic and social pressures of middle and high school life along with the added stress and pressure caused by home life and family authority. Music is an expression of the heart (Girl, age 15), Music is awesome! Thats what makes my world go round! (Girl, age 13), and the shouted message I LOVE MUSIC. ITS A WAY TO EXPRESS MYSELF! (Boy, age 14) were all commentaries taken from essays on music and what it means to the students. (MENC 6). The overall concept that had emerged was that the art of music education provides students with the freedom to just be who they are, whether that is to be different, be a person they had no idea they could become, to be accepted and feel at ease and stress free in school and through their everyday lives (MENC 7). Students have noted in academic essays that music was a greater source of a get-a-way for them. A typical answer came from a girl who stated When I am angry or everything seems like its spinning out of control, I write a song. It calms me down and gets my feelings out. As for another student who stated that The only way for most teenagers to express their angerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ in a nonviolent way is through music. Music also can act as a coping mechanism for an adolescent who is dealing with the pressures of society, family life, and the aspects of friendships and social status. Song lyrics are realized as a message that act as a hope, that you do you not need to feel alone b ecause people have experienced the pain and struggles that you are feeling. Students have wrote and explained that music was a great factor of coping for them, and without it being present in their struggles, it would not of been possible to endure the struggles and obstacles of the teenage life. As well as the emotional benefits which music has to offer to teenagers, it also has social benefits which are essential for social interaction and influence of peer pressure.Secondary students, who participated in band or orchestra, reported the lowest lifetime and current use of all substances (alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs.) (CMW 1). On the same side, the MENC newsletter also stated that Students spoke of musics social benefits in relation to its function as a distraction from involvement in spurious activity such as drugs, alcohol, smoking (cigarettes), gang life, and promiscuous sex-in their own lives or in the lives of adolescents in general.(MENC 8). Music has a strong influence on teenagers and also has the ability to deter teenagers from suicidal tendencies, by allowing the singers and instrumentalists meaning in their young lives. Being involved in orchestra, band or even choir, provides students with the means of interacting and meeting new people, along with creating ne w and lasting friendships. Being involved in musical ensembles allows a person to step outside their comfort zone and interact with new people. It also enables a student to feel secure within the group. Images of families have been chosen to illustrate this feeling of security that they were experience as the result of taking part in the musical ensembles at their school including: band, orchestra or choir. Along with the numerous benefits that music provides an adolescent with, it also has an impact on how a persons intelligence and development is affected. The question of Can music make us more intelligent, is in the process of being explored in a series of ongoing experiments under the supervision of Frances Rauscher of the University of California, Irvine. In 1993, it was noted that, in contrast to students who merely sat in silence or listened to relaxation instructions, thirty six college students who listened to only ten minutes of Mozarts Piano Sonata K.448 successively experienced a substantial growth in their spatial IQ scores. Another experiment was conducted later on this year, using seventy nine students and additional test situations, which confirmed that the Mozart Effect is without a doubt a real phenomenon. Last year, a pilot study was conducted by a group of researchers where a group of three year old children were given music training, whether it was singing or keyboa rd lessons. The scores of each individual child improved significantly on the Objects Assembly Task, which was a section of the Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised that could measure the spatial reasoning of a child. According to the results which were found at the American Psychological Associations annual convention, it was reported that the results of a follow-up experiment which concluded that the spatial reasoning performance of nineteen preschool children who received eighteen months of music lessons greatly exceeded that of a comparable group of fifteen preschool children who did not receive music lessons (Rauscher 1). Because it draws on various attributes, music develops flexibility in thinking. Music training is a very effective way, not only to boost the conceptual-holistic-creative thinking process, but to also assist in the melding and merging of the minds capabilities. Although most musical capabilities seem to be represented initially in the r ight hemisphere of the brain, as a person becomes more skilled, capabilities that were stored in the right hemisphere are located increasingly in the left. (Ponter 112). Music is a very noticeable asset in the lives of the youth, and they appreciate its effectiveness in leading the course of their daily routines, along with their long-term hopes and dreams. During a free-flow of ideas, students in American secondary school wrote into their essays their individual reflections of musics roles and meanings for them in their academic studies at school and in their involvement beyond school, not only as performers but as composers and listeners as well. (MENC 11). Some of these students wrote with very cultured vocabulary, while other individuals wrote as if they were talking to a friend through an informal chat application. Each student described music as a knowledge area and an enormous set of skills that bring together their notational literacy, listening awareness, motor ability, eye-hand coordination, and rational hold of musics meaning in the past and in society. (MENC 11). The performance skills of instrumental and vocal nature, were described as g oals to be attained by musical study, and the sense of achievement and superiority that music education had given students, allowed them to progress their skills while performing a various range of musical repertoire and committing to the score, not only melodically but stylistically as well. According to essays that were conducted in American secondary schools, students desire more study of their specified area that is pertinent to their needs, interests, and appropriate rehearsal spaces. However, a few of the same students also wrote negatively about their emotions, while some spoke passionately of their needs of more musical study in school, lack of proper rehearsal space, appropriate practice time, and instruments that could be made available for use. Students are highly particular when it comes to the extracurricular activities which they are involved with. Some students prefer to be involved with things that are beneficial to them and not just activities that are not going to help them in their lives. Some of these students are on the fence of the schools music programs, having once participated in various instrumental and vocal ensembles, but dropped them, would prefer to have curricular developments in the study of popular music styles, including rock or pop music ensembles which could be taught by music teachers and professional musicians. For these students, the typical jazz ensemble was simply not cutting it for them. Even within the scope of what should have been an invitation to adolescents to describe the favorable assets of school music programs that should not be BAN-ned, these programs may not yet be fully in touch with the needs of a considerable population of young people in secondary schools. (MENC 11). The lack of student participation in musical ensembles is due to their self-consciousness of being labeled as band geek. Most students in high school have this notion in their head that if they play an instrument such as the clarinet or trumpet, they will be labeled by their peers. On the other hand, students do not become involved with musical activities due to the simple fact that the music is not what they would like to be learning. According to the MENC newsletter, it states that Music should be a mandatory course just like Math, Science, and English, in all schools not just high schools. The lack of funding for the arts also has a big portion of influence to what courses are placed into the schools curriculum. Other clubs and activities such as football, basketball, and cheerleading are given greater quantities of funds which are unfair to music departments which are always being questioned for their purpose.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Summary of Raymond Carvers Cathedral :: essays research papers
In Raymond Carver’s story, â€Å"Cathedral,†the story tells of how a close outside relationship can threaten a marriage by provoking insecurities, aggravating communication barriers, and creating feelings of invasion of privacy. The husband in the story is given the gift of seeing the cathedral through a blind man’s eyes. Although the title suggests that the story is about a cathedral, it is really about two men who come together and share a vision and realize it is he who is blind. As the story begins, the character of the husband has a negative personality. He lacks compassion, is narrow-minded, and is jealous of his wife’s friendship with a blind man named Robert. His constantly complains that â€Å"a blind man in my house was not something [he looked] forward to†(362). The close outside friendship between the narrator’s wife and Robert provokes his insecurities. This friendship has lasted for ten years and during those years, they have exchanged countless tapes regarding experiences they have gone through. Because of this, her husband feels â€Å"she [has] told him everything or it so it seemed†(363) about their relationship. Upon the arrival of his wife’s friend, the husband is ultimately uncomfortable around Robert because he does not know how to communicate with or act around him. His discomfort is revealed when Robert and his wife were sharing their experiences â€Å"about the major things that had come to pass for them in the past ten years†(367). He felt it was necessary to join in because he thought Robert would â€Å"think [he] left the room and didn’t want [his wife] to think [he] was feeling left out†(367). It is obvious the husband is overly involved with Robert’s handicap and fails to see him as a person with his own thoughts and ideas. As the story progresses, the husband’s attitude towards Robert changes. During dinner, he â€Å"watched with admiration as [Robert] used his knife and fork†(366) on a piece of meat. As bedtime draws near, his wife heads upstairs, leaving both men alone. The husband begins to flip through channels and comes across a program about a cathedral. Robert is unaware of what a cathedral is and the husband is attempts to explain, but has a hard time in doing so. To get a better understanding, Robert suggests that he draws a cathedral while he places his hands on top of those of the husband.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Freedom of Speech to Criticize Teachers Essay
It is good practice to respect teachers by word and deed. Even so, if a teacher is incompetent, students do not consider it disrespect to badmouth him or her. After all, students’ lives are significantly impacted by the competence or incompetence of their teachers. Thus, Tim Davis, a special education teacher from California who helped to start a website called RateMyTeachers. com supports the site that allows students to either praise or openly criticize their teachers by stating: â€Å"It’s the first time I really feel that students have a voice in their education (â€Å"Teachers Earn An F In Freedom†). †Davis’ opinion is consonant with the freedom of speech theory which grants perfect freedom to all people to express their opinions. The only condition posed by the freedom of speech postulate is that hate speech and verbal abuse are unacceptable in all situations and in all forms. With this essential condition in place, RateMyTeachers. com grants perfect freedom to students to express their positive and negative opinions about their teachers. Many students praise their teachers on the site. However, one teacher was described on the selfsame website as somebody who â€Å"just shows up for a paycheck (â€Å"Teachers Earn An F In Freedom†). †Although a number of teachers have protested against the website because it allows them to be openly criticized by their students, a lawyer representing the New York State United Teachers has observed that the site must surely fall â€Å"under constitutional free-speech protection (â€Å"Teachers Earn An F In Freedom†). †It is clear, therefore, that teachers must be tolerant of the opinions of their students. If the opinions are positive, they should encourage the teachers to focus on their strengths and continue improving their teaching styles. But even if students’ opinions are negative, teachers must show empathy and work on improving themselves with the support of their students’ opinions. After all, students care that their teachers do the best that they can in the classroom. RateMyTeachers. com is an excellent example of the freedom of speech theory in action in this context. Seeing that the opinions of students on the website may be read by anybody with access to the Internet, nothing is hidden from teachers that are truly interested in learning how they are secretly rated by their students. Even without the website, however, students would continue to praise and constructively criticize their teachers. As a matter of fact, students take it in their stride to make good or bad comments about their teachers. Given that this experience is a regular part of schooling, it is worthwhile for teachers to consider allowing all students to provide them with feedback about their teaching methods on a regular basis. Indeed, teachers may want to show respect for their students’ opinions – regardless of whether they are positive or negative – with the understanding that their students’ opinions support them in their quest to improve their teaching styles. What is more, students should be allowed to openly praise or constructively criticize their teachers without having to fill out anonymous evaluation forms. This would also help to build greater rapport between students and teachers. Most importantly, such practice would help students to gain more confidence in their effort to make politically correct speech; and for both students and teachers to learn and grow together, despite the divergency of their developmental stages. Works Cited â€Å"Teachers Earn An F In Freedom. †New York Library Association (8 October 2003). 1 April 2008. .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Epekto Ng Teknolohiya Nakakabuti Nga Ba?
STI SAN JOSE CITY NUEVA ECIJA FOOD CARVING SUBMITTED BY: Paulino , G. T, Garcia S. and Alvarez Catherine B. SUBMITTED TO: Mr. Marvin Sinacay On the 8th of September Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, my hometown, celebrated 130 year anniversary since the time it was found in 1882. For these 130 years the city has changed 3 names as Vladimirovka, Toyohara and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The city has belonged to Russia, then to Japan and after all to Russia again. The city has an interesting history. Many cultures have mixed here in one multinational community.But my story today is about vegetable carving displays what we made for the CityDay. I asked two of my students to help with the exhibition. And they made a few crafts too. I made a bird sitting on a pumpkin tower. I carved carnations out of beetroot using the technique learned from Mr. Chat Kunsri at the III Thai Carving Event in Tokyo. The 3D pumpkin faces made the visitor smiling and taking photo. (Mr. Chat Kunsuri on sEptember 24 2012) Fo od Carving & Garnishing Fruit and vegetable carving & Garnishing was first developed in the imperial palace of Chinese Dynasty around 800 years ago.The culinary workers in the imperial kitchen often served the royal family with sumptuously and beautifully decorated food dishes in order to make food more attractive and appetizing. | | As the days past, food carving & garnishing is no long a decorative feast that only was served in the imperial palace. It became a traditional business feature at restaurants. | | Today, food carving & garnishing has moved to an artistic stage throughout the world. It not only can be found in the restaurants but also can be used in festive dinner parties, gathering events, home tables and all sorts of occasions. | Food carving & garnishing has become an international food artistry, which can be an occasion for all professional food artisans to show off their sophisticated carving and garnishing skills. | | Artistic carving and garnishing is by no means difficult. To display beautiful decorated food dishes, all it takes is concentration as well as practice. Although special carving tools will make the food carving quicker and easier, one sharp-pointed knife is enough to commence to carve fruit and vegetable. | |From root crops like carrots, radishes, yams and potatoes, along with vegetables like peppers, tomatoes, cabbages and cucumbers to fruits like apples, pears, grapes and watermelons, which can be dedicated carved and garnished into a colourful display of flowers, animals or cartoon faces. (China Fong on 2010)| | heart and apple butterfly I have many people visiting my blog by searching â€Å"How to make an apple butterfly†. As many of you I love butterflies too. When I was a child I had a collection with bugs, moths, dragonflies and other flying creatures. We have a short summer season here on Sakhalin.The most of things from my collection were found sleepy between window glasses and in some warm places in the balcony. In this video I show how to carve a butterfly pattern on an apple. It's not so difficult. You may do that with a knife only. Though some special carving tools will be in help. See this video to understand how to make an Apple Heart for Valentine Day. (Miss. Selena on January,3,2010) Mukimono, fruit and vegetable carving art Sajan Thapa Magar, born in April 18, 1986, received his basic education in Dharan, a city located in the eastern part of Nepal.He is a self taught artist who held a solo exhibition of his arts at Gurukul, Kathmandu from November 18 to December 7, 2010. His second exhibition, titled Mukimono (Fruits and Vegetable Carving), was showcased at Gurukul, Kathmandu in September, 2011. Mr. Thapa Magar works as a theatre actor at Gurukul, one of the leading theatre companies in Nepal. He has performed in numerous plays and is well appreciated by the theatre critics in Nepal. Besides acting he also looks after lights, props and publicity departments at Gurukul, a School of Theatre.Apart from performing plays and producing manpower for theatre, Gurukul also organizes art workshops and art exhibitions. At Gurukul, Sajan Thapa Magar got an exposure to numerous art events, which nurtured his interest in painting. In the beginning he copied other artworks, but as his creative impulse took rein over him, he marveled into his imagination. Today, he remains in touch with well established artists of Nepal like Prakash Chandwodkar, Karna Maskey and Kiran Manandhar, and has been receiving guidance and inspiration from them.After his first exhibition, he joined Kasthamandap Art Studio run by well established artists in Kathmandu, where he learned fruits and vegetable carving. â€Å"On September 3, artist Sajan Thapa Magar, gave a perfect example of vegetable and fruit art by creating stunning art pieces from them. His artworks amazed the visitors who got opportunity to witness his creations at the art exhibition Muk imono held at Gurkul, Puranobaneshwor, Kathmandu. †( Sajan Thapa Magar on September 7, 2011) Japanese cuisine is renowned for the beauty of its presentation.Among the key elements in this presentation style are mukimono–the decorative garnishes and carvings that add the final flourish to a dish. It might be a carrot round in the shape of a plum blossom. Or a scattering of cherry blossoms plucked from a radish. Perhaps a swallow, a butterfly, a ginkgo leaf or a cluster of pine needles. Whatever the motif, it will have been created to delight the eye and the palate with its shape, color, and taste. In The Decorative Art of Japanese Food Carving, internationally acclaimed chef Hiroshi Nagashima offers 60 edible garnishes and food carvings for home, party or professional use.Some are designed to be set on top of the food. Others are fashioned to hold the food–and sometimes, they simply are the food. Each is introduced in full color, with easy-to-follow, s tep-by-step instructions, sample food arrangements, further ideas and secret, insider tips for successful presentation. Most are simple enough for the amateur chef to master, although a few are quite challenging and require much practice. Nagashima's instructions rely on household utensils found in a typical American kitchen–from knives to peelers to cookie cutters–and use familiar, easily attainable ingredients. Kenji Miura on September 2012) Japanese cuisine is renowned for the beauty of its presentation. Among the key elements in this presentation style are mukimono  the decorative garnishes and carvings that add the final flourish to a dish. In The Decorative Art of Japanese Food Carving, internationally acclaimed chef Hiroshi Nagashima offers 60 edible garnishes and food carvings for home, party or professional use. Some are designed to be set on top of the food. Others are fashioned to hold the food  and sometimes, they simply are the food.Each is introduced in full color, with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions, sample food arrangements, further ideas and secret, insider tips for successful presentation. Most are simple enough for the amateur chef to master, although a few are quite challenging and require much practice. The Decorative Art of Japanese Food Carving is more than a practical handbook, however. It is also an inspiration book, filled with creative suggestions and inventive ideas to enhance and transform the way we cook. (Hiroshi Nagashima on 2009 )Vegetable carvers from around the world are taking part in the first European Carving Championships being held within the GASTE 2011 Trade Fair for the Restaurant, Hotel and Catering Business, in Leipzig, Germany. The three-day championships which was held from September 4th till 6th, included both individual and team competition. Individual food sculptors competed with each other in three categories: individual, cocktail and platter set and composition, and the n teamed with fellow competitors for the live carving competition.In the latter competition, participants had four hours to use their imagination and creativity to carve in front of the jury’s eyes. Each participant was provided with a basket containing melons, giant papayas, kohlrabi, cucumbers, radishes, Chinese cabbages and carrots. Participants may bring their own pumpkin too. (Kaushik on September 14,2011) The art of carving The detailed techniques used in bothm fruit and vegetable carving came to the U. S. from Asia, where it has been practiced for more than a thousand years. The traditional styles come from China, Thailand and Japan.The Chinese style is perhaps the oldest, and is said to have originated during the Tang Dynasty in the 6th century. In the traditional Chinese style, carvings are often three- dimensional and crowned with small nanimal figurines. In Thailand the art is called kai-sa-luk, and is said to have had its beginnings in The Royal Palace, Sukothai, about 700 years ago. Because it was once feared that this art would be lost, today it is taught in schools from the early grades through university. The other traditional style of carving, mukimono art, comes from Japan and is said to have been popular during the Edo period, 1600- 1800.Classic mukimono carvings typically have clean, precise lines. to create a multitier masterpiece that stood more than 6 feet tall and featured a sun sculpture towering over a seabed adorned with a carved treasure chest and shipwrecked vessel. The piece, which was completed in four hours, won a gold medal and $10,000. Competitions are becoming more popular, and many criteria are taken into consideration during judging, according to Bill Sy, CEC, AAC, academic department director of culinary arts at The International Culinary School at The Art Institute of Tucson (Arizona).Sy is trained in both Chinese and Thai techniques of fruit and vegetable carving, and often serves as an international judge. He say s judges look for the degree of difficulty in the techniques, as well as the variety of product, number of products used, detail, color contrast and, finally, overall design and total presentation. Sy says Chinese food seldom uses garnishes except for vegetable and fruit carvings (Daniel Paliska on january 6, 2011) TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1Pumpkin Carving Exhibition for the City Day †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 2 Vegetable & Fruit Carving and Garnishing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 Apple heart and apple butterfly†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 4 Mukimono†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 4-5 The Decorative Art of Japanese Food Carving†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 Elegant Garnishes of All occasion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 6 European Vegetable Carving Championships†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 7 Fruit Carving101†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 8 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
John Holt and Daniel Pink
John Holt and Daniel Pink Several writers, sociologists and educators are speaking out about the problems being experienced in modern schools. Violence seems to be increasing, students are leaving school ill-prepared to enter the workforce and test scores continue to fall. In attempting to fix our schools, several of these individuals have suggested that the solution is not to try to fix the school, but to abandon it altogether.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on John Holt and Daniel Pink specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More While it may seem to be a new argument, this question of abolishing the compulsory public school system has been around for decades. There are a surprising number of similarities found in the arguments of John Holt in his article â€Å"School is Bad for Children†published in 1969 and Daniel H. Pink’s article â€Å"School’s Out†published this decade. In his article, John Holt unsurprisingly argues th at school is bad for children. He starts his article by stating, â€Å"Almost every child on the first day he sets foot in a school building is smarter, more curious, less afraid of what he doesnt know, better at finding and figuring things out, more confident, resourceful, persistent and independent than he will ever be again in his schooling†(Holt, 1969). Holt makes his claim on the evidence that children first discover and then learn to use it all while making other important discoveries about the world and grasping highly abstract concepts. They do this â€Å"by exploring, by experimenting, by developing his own model or the grammar of language, by trying it out and seeing whether it works, by gradually changing it and refining it until it does work†(Holt, 1969). More importantly, children do this naturally, without anyone showing them how or telling them why. Although Pink does not directly address the condition of the child before he enters the classroom, he do es make a strong point of the skills needed to survive in the emerging economy. â€Å"Legions of Americans, and increasingly citizens of other countries as well, are abandoning one of the Industrial Revolution’s most enduring legacies – the ‘job’ – and forging new ways to work. They’re becoming self-employed knowledge workers, proprietors of home-based businesses, temps and permatemps, †¦ part-time consultants †¦ and full-time soloists†(Pink). This great shift in the way people do business requires a skill set highly similar to the natural abilities of the early child as described by Holt.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Both authors discuss the true end results of what children are learning in school. Holt (1969) says children learn that learning is something done separate from living. Within the school setting, the child that he does not know how to learn and must adapt himself to the methods of the teacher. â€Å"In a great many other ways he learns that he is worthless, untrustworthy, fit only to take other people’s orders, a blank sheet for other people to write on†(Holt, 1969). According to Holt, the true lessons the child takes from school are to hide his curiosity, to be ashamed of thinking differently, to accept other people’s evaluation of him. â€Å"He learns that to be wrong, uncertain, confused, is a crime†(Holt, 1969). He learns how to find out what answers are expected and to give only those answers. He learns instead to be lazy, deceitful and how to pass blame. â€Å"He learns that in real life you don’t do anything unless you are bribed, bullied or conned into doing it, that nothing is worth doing for its own sake, or that if it is, you can’t do it in school†(Holt, 1969). He learns to turn himself off, to passively daydream an d to ignore the people around him. Pink would seem to agree. In listing the lessons children learned in school, Pink indicates that the results are mostly negative for the individual: â€Å"Kids learned how to obey rules, follow orders, and respect authority – and the penalties that came with refusal†(Pink). He also points out how nothing seems to have changed in as many as 40 years within the school setting or system with the exception of a computer or two within the classroom, but everything has changed outside of it. In addition, both authors argue for the abolition of the school system as it currently exists. Holt (1969) recommends abolishing the compulsory school law by arguing that these laws are no longer necessary to prevent adults from exploiting child labor. This would alleviate the anger and violence found in school classrooms and hallways and make a better learning environment for the kids that do want to be there. By making school a choice, the schools wo uld also have to make their programs something actually beneficial to the kids. Other options would be to make schools more of a learning field trip or bringing professionals into the classroom to talk honestly and frankly about their careers. Team learning is also recommended as a means of allowing children to take a more active role in their learning and to learn how to work with others. Holt also suggests getting rid of grades to allow children to assess and perfect their own work and getting rid of the established curriculum because children will only learn what is important to them anyway. Pink argues, â€Å"Compulsory mass schooling is an aberration in both history and modern society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on John Holt and Daniel Pink specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Yet it was the ideal preparation for the Organization Man economy, a highly structured world dominated by large, bureaucratic corporation s that routinized the workplace†(Pink). Now that we no longer live in an industrial economy and more people are finding it preferable or necessary to fend for themselves in creative ways, Pink says the system should change to foster these skills in our youth. Although the authors do not provide sufficient provision for the numbers of students who would not attend school if they didn’t have to or those who are actually safer at school than at home, they do make several valid points. It does seem as though the modern school system is nothing more than a system designed to create perfect factory workers, providing the ability for future supervisors and managers to excel and prove their worth. This requires workers willing to subsume their individual personalities, lose their natural curiosity and learn how to simply obey orders and ‘live’ at those times when their leaders did not have need of them. Pink provides convincing statistics that more Americans are f inding it necessary to live by the skills they had as young children as listed by Holt – curiosity, exploration, discovery, resourcefulness and independence. If America is to remain strong moving into the future, it must adopt a more effective education system that enables children to retain these skills and become the productive adults they can be.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Impact of Environment on the Inhabitants
Impact of Environment on the Inhabitants Free Online Research Papers People have settled in a wide variety of places around the world wherever people have settled; the climate, water supply, and other geographical features have affected them. This essay will show two geographic features and how each feature has had an effect on people living in that area. In one map, there are lots of geographic features. According to the document 2, there are mountains, rivers, and rain forest. In document 2, there is Andes Mountains, Amazon River, Orinoco River, and Tropical rain forest. The other map, there are lots of geographic features too! According to document 7, there everything except there is no desert in document 2. There is Sahara desert, Niger River, Senegal River, Nile River, Orange River, Zambezi River, Crystal Mountain, Drolsensberg Mountain, Congo River, Kalahari Desert and Malts Mountain. The effect that people living in that area is that they can travel, and has limited the exchange of goods and ideas between the interiors of America. Also the dense jungles of the Amazon rain forest have blocked travel to the in terror, preventing development of its rich mineral and timber resources. Therefore the map of geographic features is related to the climate because the mountains has cold climate. Be careful that the temperatures can fall to 50’ or 60’ below zero. It is very cold that time. So stay inside!HHHHH Research Papers on Impact of Environment on the InhabitantsMind TravelWhere Wild and West MeetThe Spring and AutumnPETSTEL analysis of IndiaCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaStandardized TestingOpen Architechture a white paperRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andThe Effects of Illegal Immigration
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Correcting Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement
Correcting Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement Here we will practice applying one of the most basic and yet also most troublesome rules of grammar: in the present tense, a verb must agree in number with its subject. Put simply, this means that we have to remember to add an -s to the verb if its subject is singular and not to add an -s if the subject is plural. Its really not a hard principle to follow as long as we can identify the subject and verb in a sentence. Lets have a look at how this basic rule works. Compare the verbs (in bold) in the two sentences below: Merdine sings the blues at the Rainbow Lounge. My sisters sing the blues at the Rainbow Lounge. Both verbs describe a present or ongoing action (in other words, they are in the present tense), but the first verb ends in -s and the second one doesnt. Can you give a reason for this difference? Thats right. In the first sentence, we need to add an -s to the verb (sings) because the subject (Merdine) is singular. We omit the final -s from the verb (sing) in the second sentence because there the subject (sisters) is plural. Remember, though, that this rule applies only to verbs in the present tense. As you can see, the trick to following the basic principle of subject-verb agreement is being able to recognize subjects and verbs in sentences. If thats giving you a problem, try reviewing our page on the Basic Parts of Speech. Here are four tips to help you apply the principle that a verb must agree in number with its subject: TIP #1 Add an -s to the verb if the subject is a singular noun: a word that names one person, place, or thing. Mr. Eko drives a hard bargain. Talent develops in quiet places. TIP #2 Add an -s to the verb if the subject is any one of the third-person singular pronouns: he, she, it, this, that. He drives a minivan. She follows a different drummer. It looks like rain. This confuses me. That takes the cake. TIP #3 Do not add an -s to the verb if the subject is the pronoun I, you, we, or they. I make my own rules. You drive a hard bargain. We take pride in our work. They sing out of key. TIP #4 Do not add an -s to the verb if two subjects are joined by and. Jack and Sawyer often argue with each other. Charlie and Hurley enjoy music. So, is it really that simple to make subjects and verbs agree? Well, not always. For one thing, our speech habits sometimes interfere with our ability to apply the principle of agreement. If we have a habit of dropping the final -s from words when we talk, we need to be particularly careful not to leave off the -s when we write. Also, we have to keep a certain spelling rule in mind when adding -s to a verb that ends in the letter -y: in most cases, we need to change the y to ie before adding the s. For example, the verb carry becomes carries, try becomes tries, and hurry becomes hurries. Are there exceptions? Of course. If the letter before the final -y is a vowel (that is, the letters a, e, i, o, or u), we simply keep the y and add -s. So say becomes says, and enjoy becomes enjoys. Finally, as we see in our page on Tricky Cases of Subject-Verb Agreement, we have to be particularly careful when the subject is an indefinite pronoun or when words come between the subject and verb.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Business report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Business report - Essay Example The women worked in two batches of five, one in the morning shift and the other in the afternoon shift. Each person had allocated duties but they helped each other out when required. The workers had great coordination between them and the cafeteria had a good reputation. The dormitory was subsequently purchased by the State University and enlarged to accommodate 300 persons. The cafeteria was also enlarged accordingly and new modern equipment was installed. Ten additional women were employed who were all placed in the afternoon shift; the older ones were retained and all placed in the morning shift. Besides now six students worked exclusively on the new dishwasher. However in the morning shift an addition was a new woman who was comparatively younger and amateur and tried to over intervene in matters not related to her. A supervisor was also installed to fix menu of the day. All supplies were ordered centrally by the Dormitory Director. The result was dissention among the morning shift first due to the additional person who was disliked for her ways; secondly because of alleged inferior supplies; and lastly because they now had to cook larger portions with new unfamiliar but modern equipment. The result was comparatively inferior, although still adequate food, but often falling short of requirements. It was decided by the Director that a change in strategy was required from the next semester. This report will attempt to inform the management on the requirement and methods of change to affect a smooth transition and lay down the guidelines for both the leadership and the workers with appropriate academic references for support. 3 Strategies Environments have a great impact on companies. In the face of increased pressure, competition, and a continually challenging working environment the decision for new strategies is not really a choice but an essential requirement. Service Organizations need to be cost effective to be able to be useful. This is a continuing exercise which calls for changes. In current thinking organizations are socially constructed systems that share values and meanings (Burrell & Morgan, 1979; Pfeffer, 1981; Weick, 1969), and the mission of the management is to promote and develop these shared meanings in order to achieve their objectives of fitting the organization in its environment. It is this fitting act that is strategy. However to remain fit is a constant challenge and change is
Friday, October 18, 2019
Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Comparison - Essay Example Charles Cunningham uses articles from the Life magazine to buttress his arguments regarding the belittling of white trash and African Negroes. The article by Tom Delph-Janiurek examines the link between gender and sexuality in spaces with regards to voice and its impact in the teaching environment in England. Tom Delph-Januirek also evaluates the power interpretation of voices and its contribution to class differences. The article by Charles Cunningham pertains to the derogatory and untrue portrayal of rural poor, especially in connection to the white trash and the African Americans in the twentieth century, during the time of the great depression in the United States of America. The article by Tom Delph-Janiurek examines the link between gender and sexuality in spaces with regards to voice and its impact in the teaching environment in England. At first there arises apprehension on any possible link between two such disparate articles in different environments over different periods of time. An in depth analysis of the two articles however, provides the scope for the comparison. Charles Cunningham provides examples of the speech of African Americans in his arguments to bolster the derogatory and racial prejudice against the African Americans. Drawing support from the works of experts in the field of language Tom Delph-Janiurek claims that voice very frequently conveys with clarity, information reg arding the bodies from which they originate. In addition to Tom Delph-Janiurek, voices are interpreted by listeners and â€Å"voices are shaped by interconnected discursive relating to gender, sexuality, class, and race†, (2, p.258). According to Charles Cunningham the African American was portrayed as the scum of the earth. Poor white trash and African Americans were taken as not worth any consideration by the urban middle and rich classes, as they were not deserving of it. Yet, between the two the African American was given a much lower status irrespective
The Employees Performance of Their Duties in Macrobox Essay
The Employees Performance of Their Duties in Macrobox - Essay Example Under the foregoing circumstances, the blogger by providing online guidance to direct the computer attack or server intrusion and all those persons who may have conspired and confederated with the blogger may be held liable under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 (CMA) as amended by the Police and Justice Act 2006 (JPA) and Serious Crime Act 2007 (SCA) where the following acts were defined as unlawful or criminal actsâ€â€unauthorized access to computer material; unauthorized access with intent to commit a further offence; and unauthorized modification of computer material. Section 1 of the CMA provides that in cases of unauthorized access to computer material a person may be found guilty when (a) he causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer; (b) the access he intends to secure; and (c) he knows at the time when he causes the computer to perform the function that that is the case. This provision was modified by Se ction 35 sub-section (2) of the JPA where the phrases were inserted in sub-section (1) in paragraph a to read â€Å"†¦or to enable any such access to be secured†while in paragraph (b) â€Å"†¦or to enable to be secured†however this amendatory provision was again superseded by Section 61 of the SCA by omitting altogether subsection (2). While Section 2 finds a person guilty under unauthorized access with intent to commit or facilitate the commission of further offences if it is committed with intent (a) to commit an offence to which this section applies; or (b) to facilitate the commission of such an offence.
Investment Portfolio Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Investment Portfolio Project - Assignment Example Some of the advantages I shall enjoy include dividends from the companies. Common stock will account for 20,000 because -: Source of income as dividends Growth potential if the company splits its common stock to satisfy a large part of their financial needs' 10,000 shall go into preferred stock as such shareholders receive dividends before common stockholders are paid any cash. This is especially so when corporations are experiencing financial problems. I wish to invest both in corporate and governments bonds. A bond is a written pledge to repay specified sum of money a government to corporate with interest. When I buy a bond I will be loaning a government or corporate money for a given period. The period may extend between 1-30 years. I have two options: to keep them till maturity or redeem them to another investor. Corporate bonds shall be in Celco Corporation, D&E Corporation, and Alexander & Baldwin. Choosing blue chip stocks is a safe investment that generally attracts conservative investors. Some of the respected companies incorporate America includes AT&T, general electric and Kellogg. I will carefully look out for leadership in industrial group, history of stable earnings and consistency in paying dividends. These corporate bonds shall take 20,000 i.e. AT&T (8%), General Electric (91%) and Kellogg (3%). The Equity stocks shall include Dow Chemicals, Myers Squibb and Royal Dutch/ shell in and equal ratio of the 20,000. The main object for such investing shall be income, getting higher dividends than average stocks. Incase of defensive stock that could be included on the portfolio then Proctor and Gamble, Kellogg shall be good bets. A consistent dividend payout even during...My understanding of different investments in relation to risk depicted by the table below. Buying stocks in a corporation listed in a stock exchange allows ownership and participation in the success of the corporations. I will get an opportunity to sell and repurchase at later date possible at high price therefore getting capital gains. I wish to invest both in corporate and governments bonds. A bond is a written pledge to repay specified sum of money a government to corporate with interest. When I buy a bond I will be loaning a government or corporate money for a given period. The period may extend between 1-30 years. Choosing blue chip stocks is a safe investment that generally attracts conservative investors. Some of the respected companies incorporate America includes AT&T, general electric and Kellogg. I will carefully look out for leadership in industrial group, history of stable earnings and consistency in paying dividends. These corporate bonds shall take 20,000 i.e. AT&T (8%), General Electric (91%) and Kellogg (3%). The Equity stocks shall include Dow Chemicals, Myers Squibb and Royal Dutch/ shell in and equal ratio of the 20,000. The main object for such investing shall be income, getting higher dividends than average stocks. Investing in mutual funds would also be another wise investment vehicle.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Strategic Analysis Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Strategic Analysis - Research Paper Example The mission statement for the company reads, â€Å"Our mission is to be the most customers focused and cost efficient vehicle and equipment rental/leasing company in every market area we serve. We will strengthen our leading worldwide positions through a share value culture of employee and partner involvement, by making strategic investments in our brands, people and products. The focus of everything we do will be to continuously improve our shareholders value†(Statements-Slogans-Info, 2008). In terms of the Vision Statement, Hertz Director declares, â€Å"It will be the first choice brand for vehicle and equipment rental and total mobility solutions†according to Statements-Slogans-Info (2008). According to Hoovers Incorporated (2011), the major competitors for Hertz are Avis Budget Group, Enterprise- Rent-A-Car and United Rentals Inc. These companies compete in a market segment that includes car and truck rental, commercial and industrial equipment leasing and industrial manufacturing (Hoovers Incorporated, 2011). Hertz Global Holdings Incorporated had appeared in the Fortune 500 Magazine, which is a company that provides facts about top American companies that are incorporated the country, are listed publicly and are making contribution to the development of the economy, in 2008, according to Company-Statement-Slogans-Info (2008). The company targeted customers, which are served through its agents and licensees, who leases or rents vehicles, tools, heavy equipment, and used heavy equipment for sale, ranging from major industrial companies and local contractors to the ordinary leisure seeking or vacationing consumers. Services are provided via 315 branches across the country (, 2011). Since 2007 Hertz Global Holdings has seen changes in the United States and foreign countries legal and regulatory environments that has caused disruptions in operations, especially in the type
C2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
C2 - Essay Example The K-12 reform in education was a significant move towards improvement in the country’s higher education system (Bahry and Marr, 2005). It was meant to promote post-secondary education through scholarships, which are important in supporting the students who might be ambitious and capable to learn but are unable to pay the tuition fees. There were also strategies aimed at promoting higher education in Qatar to world class level, which included encouraging prestigious global institutions to establish in the country. Qatar University was restructured to conform to the modern requirements of higher education institutions. In all the reforms, women and men were accorded equal opportunities for education. Affirmative action encouraged women to take advantage of the reforms, which led to the emergence of an educated population of women ready to take up challenging roles in healthcare, legal profession, business and other economic activities (Goldman et al. 2007). Without limitations as to the sex that should be educated, boys and girls are competing on equal grounds, which have made it possible for women to outcompete men in higher education. Bahry and Marr (2005) noted that there is high retention of girls in schools than it is for boys. The number of girls who are completing secondary level is therefore higher than boys. Moreover, studies indicate that girls are passing exams without special treatment (Planning Council, 2005). Opportunities for boys are many since some employers are still clinging to the conventional believes, which might be the reason for boys to discontinue with education in favor of unskilled labor. On the other hand, such tendencies are motivating girls to continue to higher education for the reason that there are no employment opportunities for them in the unskilled low paying labor intensive jobs. The women who are therefore joining various professions in the country are
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Strategic Analysis Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Strategic Analysis - Research Paper Example The mission statement for the company reads, â€Å"Our mission is to be the most customers focused and cost efficient vehicle and equipment rental/leasing company in every market area we serve. We will strengthen our leading worldwide positions through a share value culture of employee and partner involvement, by making strategic investments in our brands, people and products. The focus of everything we do will be to continuously improve our shareholders value†(Statements-Slogans-Info, 2008). In terms of the Vision Statement, Hertz Director declares, â€Å"It will be the first choice brand for vehicle and equipment rental and total mobility solutions†according to Statements-Slogans-Info (2008). According to Hoovers Incorporated (2011), the major competitors for Hertz are Avis Budget Group, Enterprise- Rent-A-Car and United Rentals Inc. These companies compete in a market segment that includes car and truck rental, commercial and industrial equipment leasing and industrial manufacturing (Hoovers Incorporated, 2011). Hertz Global Holdings Incorporated had appeared in the Fortune 500 Magazine, which is a company that provides facts about top American companies that are incorporated the country, are listed publicly and are making contribution to the development of the economy, in 2008, according to Company-Statement-Slogans-Info (2008). The company targeted customers, which are served through its agents and licensees, who leases or rents vehicles, tools, heavy equipment, and used heavy equipment for sale, ranging from major industrial companies and local contractors to the ordinary leisure seeking or vacationing consumers. Services are provided via 315 branches across the country (, 2011). Since 2007 Hertz Global Holdings has seen changes in the United States and foreign countries legal and regulatory environments that has caused disruptions in operations, especially in the type
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Why does the middle east is important to obama Essay
Why does the middle east is important to obama - Essay Example This became evident in 2007 when a plutonium-producing reactor of Syria in cooperation with North Korea, was discovered. Israel released photographic evidence of the said partnership leading to the raid of the nuclear reactor in Deir ez-Zor region and the dismissal of a terrorism attempt (Blackwill and Slocombe). Israel is skillful in making aerial systems, armored vehicle protection, and short-range rockets defenses, and robotics. It has been known as a world leader when it comes to developing devices and techniques for force protection (Blackwill and Slocombe). Because of the unifying goal of both countries to eliminate terrorism and nuclear proliferation, Israel shares its assets to United States which on the other hand, finances Israel’s projects and endeavors. In this case, the role of Obama’s partnership with the Israelis is to further develop missiles which would help him protect his forces and allies and span its influence over Europe, Middle East, and Persian Gulf (Blackwill and Slocombe). In all of these involvements, Obama does not only interestingly gain the assets of Israel but a possible underlying reason for this involvement is for him to expand its power over Middle East. This is evident in Michael Oren’s book, â€Å"Power, Faith, and Fantasy†. He stated, As an explanation to this, Oren mentioned about Jefferson and the May 1787 Articles of Confederation. In the meeting that followed, Americans felt a great threat from the kingdoms of Middle East countries. They stated, As a result of this, America waged wars all intended for Middle East. By imposing wars and force, America gained power over its greatest enemy – the Middle East countries and thus worry less about this threat (Oren). United States’ gaining of power and influence becomes more convincing when Obama expressed his interest in the oil industry of Middle East in his speech in
Monday, October 14, 2019
Social Work Practice: Values and Ethics
Social Work Practice: Values and Ethics Introduction At its most basic social work is a consistent and organised approach to the social problems of families and individuals. It is an approach that focuses on helping people to help themselves (Moore, 2002).[1]Most practitioners enter social work because of a commitment to social justice, or at the very least a desire to help others and to see improvement and positive change in people’s lives. Modern social work, along with other public services, is being increasingly run along business lines and market principles. Today’s social worker therefore is confronted with the managerial approach, performance indicators, care managers and care packages. Given the current state of things where everything is guided by budgets and the need to satisfy those in charge by processing a case as quickly as possible one wonders whether a social worker has time to be guided by general ethical principles, let alone a specific code of practice. In the current climate it is easy to forget that s ocial workers are committed to the view of the intrinsic human worth of each individual, and the concomitant view that each person deserves the best care and advice possible. In 1948 the Universal Declarati[2]on of Human Rights came into being. The declaration encapsulates a view of the inherent worth and dignity of the human person. The declaration espouses the notion of individual freedom on the basis that such freedom did not infringe the rights of others, these are the rights on which much of social work practice is based. This paper will begin with a general definition of ethics. It will then look at the ethics and values which underpin social work practice. There will be an assessment of social work values and of their relevance to anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice. Ethics Ethics are general moral principles that are intended to inform the governing of human behaviour. Thus, most people would hold to the view that some things such as cruelty and murder are always wrong, or unethical. Ethical codes, however, may be based on moral principles, but are not as generalisable or universally applicable. This is because they refer to particular professions and the way in which professional behaviour is governed. Such ethical codes cannot be said to be neutral or value free because they are contextual. They arise within a certain context and are applied to a particular purpose as such, ethical codes are influenced by the ideologies held in that context (Butler, 2000). The context being examined here, is that of social work practice. Codes of practice and ethics are often idealistic, because they may be seen as providing a blueprint for how a social worker should act when it is impossible to legislate for every situation, and this may result in a false sense of s ecurity (Banks, 2003). Social workers therefore, need to be able to recognise when the code of practice within which they are required to work, does not operate within a framework that is informed by human rights and social justice (Husband, 1995). The Client’s Needs Shon (1991) has argued that: Professionals claim to contribute to social well-being, put their clients’ needs ahead of their own, and hold themselves accountable to standards of competence and morality. (Schon, 1991:11-12). Some critics maintain that the way in which social services often operates is self-serving rather than serving the needs of the clients, yet social workers do police themselves and their profession. The way in which they do this is to think critically about what they are doing, why they are doing it, and what moral implications this may have. Certainly social work ethics should not lead anyone to believe that the social work profession should serve itself, rather the needs of the client should be most important. One of the ways this is achieved is by establishing clear relationship boundaries early on. This is because involvement with a client that is too personal is contrary to what the BASW has to say about social work ethics and values. The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work (BASW,2001). [3] Social work practice, in order to be ethical practice must be centred on the needs of service users Social workers of necessity intervene in people’s lives and have an influence on situations, ethical decision making is therefore a vital component of social work practice (Osmo and Landau, 2001). The Association is there to give advice to social workers on what constitutes ethical decision making in different contexts. Ethical Decision Making Decision making has to be grounded in the values and ethics of social work. Some of the issues that social workers have to deal with and that involve them in ethical decision making centre around balancing the rights of one individual against others, around public welfare and issues of institutional and structural oppression. This can make life difficult because the social worker has then to identify when institutions and structures are being oppressive and how the values of social work may be used to combat this. Decision making is also problematic because social workers are committed to confidentiality with respect to the people they work with. Sometimes a social worker is faced with a situation where he or she may, for the greater good, be forced to break the ethic of confidentiality because the client may be a danger to themselves of someone else. This causes a conflict of values and the social worker has, with the help of his/her supervisor, to balance the needs of the individua l against the needs of the greater good. At the very least social work should begin with a clear commitment to social justice which seeks to challenge poverty and discrimination in all its forms because social work has its roots in the nineteenth century moves to eradicate poverty and unemployment. Everyone has the right to be protected from abuse and to be treated with respect. This is not easy when Government discourses express concern for inclusion and equality e.g. for those with mental health problems, then employ discourses which ignore factors such as race, gender and class and social circumstances, that are pertinent to any proper understanding of a person’s condition. The Human Rights Act of 1998 makes it mandatory for local authorities to act in ways that are conversant with the Act. Social workers help with the problems faced by people with disabilities. Social workers have a duty to be conversant with the Human Rights Act and the Community Care Act of 1990. Social workers are faced with making decisions concerning what defines a person with disabilities and also how to assess their needs. If the wrong form of care is prescribed, e.g. detainment under the Mental Health Act for a person who does not fulfil the specified criteria, then this could be an infringem ent of human rights. Social workers are duty bound to base their practice on concepts of human rights and social justice but at the same time they need to be more aware of how the inequalities that they see in society might affect their practice (Cemlyn and Briskman 2003). Society does not always operate in the best interests of the individual person, furthermore, the introduction of market principles into social care can mean that the legal framework within which a social worker has to act may also (however much it is unintended) work against individual rights. Some commentators e.g. Challis (1990) maintain that prior to market principles and managerialism being introduced into social care, social workers operated with a much greater degree of freedom. It is arguably the case that the social worker is duty bound to act in accordance with a process that is informed by the valuing of the human person and the concept of human rights, and may, therefore, need to be prepared to work outside of a framework th at (albeit unintended) prevents them from working according to this ethic (Cemlyn and Briskman, 2003). Wolff (2002) speaks of virtue ethics being the root of social work practice because of its concern with a just society and justice for individuals. Bearing this in mind social workers seek to engage in anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice in all that they do. Anti-discriminatory and Anti-oppressive Practice An emancipatory and anti-oppressive attitude is a critical component of ethical social work, social workers should be people enablers, enabling people to stand up for their rights and giving them a voice. Horton and Pattapen (2004) argue that in contemporary society individuals are often disempowered in numbers of ways and feel unable to cope with the rules that guide their lives. Social workers deal with the distress that results from this and in their practice should question social systems wherein an increasing number of people suffer from injustice, oppression, and exclusion from mainstream society. Anti-discriminatory practice means taking account of structural disadvantages i.e. how the structures of society often work against certain groups e.g. those with disabilities, women, and ethnic minorities. It also means that the social worker takes care not to use discriminatory language and to do their best to promote the dignity and self-worth of service users. The ethos of the worth of individual human persons is often counteracted by current social work practice. Under the guidelines for social care social workers help individuals to choose what is best for them, in practice however, care managers are the people who hold the budgets and budgetary concerns can often be discriminatory disenfranchising the person that the social worker is trying to help (Postle, 2000). Social workers try to avoid this happening but they work in a state institution that often inadvertently works against the best interests of service users. This is why social workers need to be trained to view the world from the perspective of others so that they more easily recognise how the system oppresses (Moore, 2002).. Conclusion The ethics and values that underpin social work practice are dedicated to social justice and recognition of the inherent worth of each and every individual. Social workers do their best to work in partnership with service users and to do this in a way that includes and empowers people. Social workers are dedicated to help people move forward and take control of their lives, the idea is to shift the power balance away from the social worker and towards the person that needs help. The structures of society are, in some ways, discriminatory and oppressive and social workers recognise that white masculine values disadvantage people and they are therefore committed to anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive practice in their work. Bibliography Banks, S. 2003 From oaths to rulebooks: a critical examination of codes of ethics for the social professions European journal of Social Work Volume 6 No. 2 July 2003 p. 133-144 British Association of Social Workers (2002) The Code of Ethics for Social Work. Butler, I 2000. A Code of Ethics for Social Work and Social Work Research Cremlyn, S and Briskman L. 2003 â€Å"Asylum, Children’s Rights and Social Work†Child and Family Social Work 8 (3) pp. 163-178 Husband, C. (1995) The morally active practitioner and the ethics of anti-racist social work. In: Ethical Issues in Social Work (eds R. Hugman D. Smith), pp. 84–103. Routledge, London Ife, J. (2001) Human Rights Social Work: Towards Rights-Based Practice. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Postle, F. (2000) The social work side is disappearing. I guess it started with us being called care managers, Practice, 13(2), pp. 13-27. Ring, C. 2001 â€Å"Quality assurance in mental-health care: A case study from social work†Health and Social Care in the Community 9(6) 2001 pp. 383-390 Schà ¶n, D. A. (1991) The Reflective Turn: Case Studies In and On Educational Practice, New York: Teachers Press, Columbia University Slote, Michael. From Morality to Virtue. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992 Wolff, J. 2002 â€Å"Contractualism and the virtues†Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy Volume 5 No. 2 June 2002 p. 120-132 1 Footnotes [1] See p.179 [2] [3]
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Names Essay -- Literary Analysis, Billy Collins
In the poem â€Å"The Names,†by Billy Collins, the speaker is calmly recalling people’s last names alphabetically as he notices them wherever he goes. At first it seems as though he is playing a game to see how many names he can think of. After reading the whole poem several times, it becomes clear that he is referring to people who died on September 11th. Collins uses imagery, a serious tone, and similes throughout the poem to show appreciation for the memory of the victims that died that tragic day. In the first stanza, it is established that the poem is written in the first person, when â€Å"I†is referring to the speaker, which illustrates this person’s point of view concerning the tragedy of 9/11 during a whole day of events. The speaker begins by setting a tranquil mood as the opening of a long list of last names. In line 1, he says: â€Å"Yesterday, I lay awake in the palm of the night.†He describes the night like a tropical tree gently swaying in a peaceful beach setting. He calmly observes the gentle raindrops dripping slowly down his windows until they disappear in â€Å"A soft rain stole in, unhelped by any breeze, / And when I saw the silver glaze on the windows,†(2-3). For a brief moment, he enjoys going outside to his garden at sunrise to forget the sorrow that death brings when â€Å"In the morning, I walked out barefoot / Among thousands of flowers†(11-12). In the second stanza, the speaker visualizes images within the starry night and a muddy shoreline that symbolize individuals experiencing death-defying events. In line 8, the speaker states â€Å"Names printed on the ceiling of the night.†He is referring to the pattern of stars that draw great figures of Greek Gods, like Mars who is related to strength, energ... ...rassy cemetery is the place where gravestones are placed so the victims will not be forgotten. The speaker also reminds the reader that relatives tend to put the memory of their loved ones â€Å"into the dim warehouse of memory†(53) or in back of their minds so they will not feel so broken hearted. He recalls seeing â€Å"A woman by a window puts a match to a candle†(39) for the memory of a loved one that died from the attack. By the speaker’s comment â€Å"are outlined on the rose clouds†(40), he suggests as though the deceased victims appeared up in heaven. Collins uses visualization, emotions, and comparisons within several natural and man-made objects in respect to all the victims that tragically passed away that dreadful day. By specifically identifying several individuals in this poem, Collins found a way to honor those people that died on September 11, 2001.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Imagery Depicted Through T.S. Eliots The Hollow Men Essay -- essays r
The imagery depicted in T.S. Eliot's poem "The Hollow Men" evokes a sense of desolate hopelessness and lends to Eliot's generally cynical view of civilization during this period in history. A reaction of deep and profound disappointment in mankind around him is made evident in this stark work, first published in 1925. In this short piece, Eliot enumerates several deep faults he finds in his fellowman, including hypocrisy, apathy and indifference, and leaves the reader with a feeling of overwhelming emptiness. An important feature of this poem is the fact that the narration of the poem is in first person. This establishes Eliot's and the readers relationship to the images and ideas presented. When the poem begins "We are the hollow men" rather than "They are ..." or "You are..." the reader is immediately included somehow in this description, along with Eliot himself. This type of narration creates a sense of common "hollowness" and by the end of the poem, therefore, a sense of common responsibility and guilt. Early in the poem, Eliot creates a world of desolation. The idea of dryness is emphasized by the repetition of the word "dry" in the first stanza, where we read of "dried voices," "dry grass" and "dry cellar." When he mentions the sound of "rats feet over broken glass" he succinctly and subtly prods at our anxieties about urban disease and decay, showing us a sort of fle...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Looking at children’s learning
For my assignment I have chosen to reflect on the children’s learning in the video sequence entitled ‘Hospital Play’, which was filmed at St Stephen’s Nursery School in Newham, London. The sequence is based around the concept of the casualty department at the local St Stephens’s Hospital and was created jointly by the practitioners and the children. My reason for choosing this video clip is that I can directly relate it to the setting within which I work and I have created similar situations myself and can therefore reflect on what I can do differently next time, extending my development. Children do not learn in the same way as each other ‘they each have their own preferred ways of learning’ (E100, Study Topic 3, p. 64). There are many theories relating to how children learn and develop, some coming from Government frameworks but many originate from an individual’s own ideas or beliefs. One of which being Rudolph Steiner, ‘whose principles emphasise the importance of unstructured play and the role of the teacher, who ‘works’ at activities as a model for children (E100, Study Topic 3, p. 6)’, this type of unstructured play is evident in the video in that the outside area offered a free play environment where the children can chose to part take in any activity of their choice, either the role play area or the playground. The adult ‘worked’ at the activity when she joined the table offering support and extending the children’s learning through asking questions that required the children to engage further in conversation, developing their communication skills. E100 Study Topic 3, p. 62, discusses the importance of play in early years settings, with the early years curricula in each of the four UK countries embracing the role of play in a child’s learning. The frame work in England for children from birth to five, suggests that learning and teaching is about adults and children working together, to co-construct ideas and new areas of learning, it is believed that investing at this age will benefit families and children at a later stage in their life. This was evident in the construction of the role play area and its play element. In our setting we always develop our curriculum plans through group discussions with the children. Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky was the main theorist with regards to socio-cultural aspects of children’s learning. His theory relates to the social and cultural element of a child’s learning and the importance an adult plays in conveying these areas of learning and values to the children. The adult is referred to as the more able ‘other’ (E100, Study Topic 3, p. 65), in the sequence Daksha Patel the practitioner takes on this role in that she speaks to the children in both English and Gujarati, so all children in the setting are valued and included in the activity, ensuring cultural awareness and that some children may speak a different language. Vygotsky also placed particular emphasis on the role of the adult in the transmission of culture, knowledge and language’ (E100, Study Topic 3, p. 65). Cultural values are very important in early years settings and although our setting is situated in an affluent, rural, predominately white community we always ensure other religious beliefs are shared within the setting, celebrating different cultural events in order for the children to extend their learning beyond the community within which they live. Vygotsky, also developed a concept called the ‘zone of proximal development (ZDP)’, whereby he believes a child has two development levels, where they are at now and their proximal level, what they could do next. Adults play an important role in this element of his work, in that it is them that can provide the opportunity to take the child up to their next level, it maybe that they initially offer support, but positively encourages them to try and undertake the activity (E100, Study Topic 3, p. 65). This is also evident in the sequence when Daksha Patel encourages the child to try and write the name of who’s the sample is on the bottle, she then aids them by writing it on the piece of paper for them to try and copy, which the child then does underneath where she has written. Linda Miller, one of the authors of the study topic 3 discusses a similar concept when working with the ZPD of her daughter, in that she would write her name for her, as a model for her to copy (E100, Study Topic 3, p. 66). In our setting we encourage the children to write their names on any work they undertake, aiding by writing first if necessary. Outdoor play is a very important part of the Early Years foundation stage and should according to Mclean 1991:71, be no firm distinction between the indoors and out (cited in Robson, S, p. 226). Although it is not clear on the video whether this is the case the setting certainly offers an extensive outdoor play area, with the role play area and a playground with activities that can also be seen in the sequence. The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage stresses that access to an outdoor play area is expected, this reinforces the importance of outdoor play in both a child’s development and in their learning. ‘Physical play is fundamental to all aspects of children’s development and learning, including the development of the child’s brain’ (Manning-Morton, J and Thorp, M, 2010, p. 100). In our setting we have an area outside that is under cover and has shutters to the main outdoor area, so it can be used in all weathers. Unfortunately staffing levels means we are not able to use our outside area as much as we’d like to, however we do try and get out in the morning, lunchtime and in the afternoon. Outdoor provision plays an important part in the health and welfare of children too, as it provides a safe environment that can provide lots of physically activities for children to enjoy, like scooters, play equipment like climbing frames, or simply an area where they can run around and express themselves. Outdoor play also meets several of the requirements of the Every Child Matters agenda, such as, being healthy, staying safe and enjoying and achieving (E100, Study Topic 6, p. 141). The practitioner, Daksha Patel, demonstrates in the video clearly how all children are included in the activity, she speaks in both English and Gujharti so all children are able to understand. The setting has also provided a wide range of stimulating items for the activity, like syringes, bandages, and sample bottles, to ensure the area is stimulating for the children. There is no discrimination or exclusion, like the girls are nurses and the boys doctors, all children are equal, they are all wearing varying dressing up outfits and they are all caring for the babies, clearly showing inclusion of all children, towards the end a child also states that ‘he’ is not sharing and the practitioner steps in and reinforces what she says and shows the girl where further similar items are. When dressing up in our nursery, which the children love to do, no distinction is made between boys and girls clothes and the boys especially like to dress up in the pink princess costumes. Everyone is included and no stereo typical comments are made and any made by the children are addressed. ‘Participation is the key element of inclusion’ (E100, Study Topic 6, p. 143). Study topic 4 (2010), p. 82 explains there are six main theories about child development, that complement each other rather than one being right and another wrong, one of which is that ‘young children are innocent until they are ‘spoiled’ by their parents and society (E100, Study Topic 4, p83)’, this is the maturationism approach, developed by Jean Jacques Rousseau. Another theory is one of social learning, when a child learns through observing others (E100, Study Topic 4 p. 99). This concept can be seen in the sequence on two occasions when the children carry out activities that they may have experienced in their lives, like syringing ears and putting a plaster on after an injection, this re-enforces the principle that children learn from their life experiences. In this situation the practitioner needs to be aware of issues that may arise with regards to safeguarding as the child may feel secure and in a play environment talk about something that is happening in their life. Study Topic 5, p. 131 details a list of indicators for possible signs of neglect, from the NSPCC, this includes being bruised or injured, a child may show bruises in a hospital role play situation or talk about injuries he or she has suffered (E100, 2010). The sequence offered many areas of learning for children, though initially child led the activity was then supported by an adult, who in turn provided extended learning in respect of writing skills, by encouraging them to write on the sample bottles and new vocabulary and cultural awareness by speaking in both English and Gujarati. The children were able to develop their own language and communication skills through imaginative play and also extend their social skills through communication with each other and an adult. Two implications for my practice from my analysis of the sequence with regards to supporting children’s learning are: 1. Although we have a fantastic outside play area it is not used for enough activities, like in the sequence. We have a climbing frame which the children love and lots of gross motor toys, like scooter and bikes, however, I have never taken out an activity like the hospital role play area. Plus, we have a great shed that is used solely for the storage of the bikes and scooters, it would provide more learning opportunities if the children were able to use it like in the sequence as a hospital or play house. 2. My second implication also focuses around the area of role play, in that we do provide fantastic role play settings, recently we have had a shop that had clothes, shoes, tills, money, price tags, bags and even a shop frontage, but I cannot recall at anytime an adult participating in or extending the learning in the area. The only time an adult was in the area was at tidy up time! It offered a whole host of learning activities like counting, communication and social skills yet all these were missed. I will ensure that in the future I will spend time in the role play area, like the practitioner did in the sequence. With regards to the official requirements on children’s welfare and provision the two implications I will take back to my setting are: 1. Key workers, although I am not currently a key worker of any children, when I am I would want to work more closely with the child and their carers. Although key workers are allocated practitioners are only responsible for keeping their records up to date there is not direct activities or contact with individuals other than during the day to day activities and running of the nursery. Although key workers aren’t evident in the sequence, the practitioner would be able to observe and assess any of her children during he activity. Part of the EYFS (DCSF, 2008) requires a setting to assign key workers as they state ‘a key person develops a genuine bond with children and offers a settled, close relationship’ (E100, Study Topic 5, p. 122). 2. I would also take back the theory and requirements on inclusion, particularly the multi-cultural aspect. As I stated previously we are a mainly white school, in our nursery we have over 50 children and only 1 black girl, who lives ov er 20 miles away in the nearest city. Although the staff and children do not discriminate against her in anyway her own cultural values and beliefs are not directly discussed in the nursery. It would be nice to approach her family and invite them into nursery to maybe discuss what the events they celebrate are and why and how they celebrate them, rather than us just playing an educational video clip; this would be a positive activity making the little girl feel valued. In the sequence the practitioner speak in both Gujharti and English ensuring all the children are included in the activity.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Control Key and Word
1. Word flags the potential error in the document window with a colored underline. A ____ wavy underline means the flagged text is not in Word's dictionary (because it is a proper name or misspelled). A)red B) blue C) yellow D) green 2. With a ____, you can convert a printed picture, drawing, or diagram to a digital file. A)fax machine B) copy machine C) scanner D) digital camera 3. The process of developing a document that communicates specific information requires careful analysis and planning. As a starting point, ____.A)analyze the intended readers of the document and their unique needs B)determine the document design and style C)establish why the document is needed D)gather information about the topic4. Character formatting is the process of changing the way characters appear ____. A)on the screen B) in print C) both a. and b D) neither a. nor b5. To see a complete list of automatically corrected words, click ____ on the Ribbon to open the Backstage view, click Options in the Backstage view, click Proofing in the left pane, click the AutoCorrect Options button, and then scroll through the list near the bottom of the dialog box.A)Home B) Format C) File D) Edit6. If the Picture Tools Format tab is no longer displayed on the Ribbon, ____ the picture to display the Picture Tools Format tab. A)triple-click B) ouble-click C) right-click D) single-click7. If yo u want to conserve ink or toner, you can instruct Word to print draft quality documents by clicking ____ on the Ribbon to open the Backstage view. A)Format B) Edit C) Insert D) File8. You want the headline to be ____, that is, positioned horizontally between the left and right margins on the page.A)left-aligned B) centered C) justified D) right-aligned9. A(n) ____ mark, sometimes called a nonprinting character, is a character that Word displays on the screen but is not visible on a printed document. A)unified B) text C) formatting D) editing10. Paragraph ____ is the process of changing the appearance of a paragraph. A)formatting B) controlling C) enhancing D) editing11. A ____ is a computer program that can damage files and programs on your computer. A)virus B) cold C) bug D) flu12. In Word, the default font usually is ____.A)Times New Roman B) Arial C) Cambria D) Calibri13. ____ text prints with an underscore (_) below each character. A)Italicized B) Underlined C) Embossed D) Bolde d14. To save an existing document with the same file name using one click, press the ____ button on the Quick Access Toolbar to overwrite the previously saved file. A)Save B) Save As C) either a. or b. D) neither a. nor b.15. When you ____ text, Word colors the rectangular area behind any text or graphics. A)border B) emboss C) bold D) shade16. ___ properties are associated with all Microsoft Office documents and include author, title, and subject. A)Basic B) Trusted C) Default D) Standard17. The ____ is the first line of text on a document. A)header B) footer C) headline D) body copy18. A ____ is a word or phrase that further describes the document. A)keyword B) tab C) property D) characteristic19. Each time you press the ____ key, Word creates a new paragraph and inserts blank space between the two paragraphs. A)F3 B) ENTER C) TAB D) CTRL20. ____ denotes success, victory, creativity, and enthusiasm. A)Red B) Blue C) Orange D) Purple21. You can center page contents vertically betwe en the top and bottom margins. To do this, click the Page Setup Dialog Box Launcher, click the ____ tab, click the Vertical alignment box arrow, click Center in the list, and then click the OK button. A)Alignment B) Format C) Layout D) Edit22. The ____ consists of all text between the headline and the signature line. A)placeholder B) header C) footer D) body copy23. Word flags the potential error in the document window with a colored wavy underline. A ____ wavy underline indicates the text may contain a contextual spelling error such as the misuse of homophones (words that are pronounced the same but that have different spellings or meanings, such as one and won). A)yellow B) red C) blue D) green24. Word flags the potential error in the document window with a colored wavy underline. A ________wavy underline indicates the text may be incorrect grammatically. A)red B) yellow C) green D) blue25.A single point is about 1/72 of one inch in height. A)1/18 B) 1/9 C) 1/72 D) 1/3626. The MLA style requires that you set the line spacing to ____ for the entire research paper. A)double B) multiple C) 1. 5 D) single27. Word automatically inserts page breaks, called _____, when it determines the text has filled one page according to paper size, margin settings, line spacing, and other settings. A)hard page breaks B) anchored page breaks C) floating page breaks D) soft page breaks28. A ____ is text and graphics you want printed at the top of each page in a document.A)title B) superscript C) header D) footer29. Word automatically numbers notes sequentially by placing a ____ both in the body of the document and to the left of the note text. A)note reference B) footnote C) reference point D) tag30. A(n) ____ is text and graphics that print at the bottom of every page. A)anchor B) end note C) footer D) footnote31. To find a word with a similar meaning to the one already in your document, right-click the word and select ____. A)Other Words B) Dictionary C) Synonyms D) Find new32. A(n) _____ page break is one that you force into a document at a specific location. A)automatic B) manual C) forced D) soft33. If rulers are not displayed, click the ____ button on the vertical scroll bar to display them. A)Normal B) Measure C) View Ruler D) View34. To create a hanging indent using shortcut keys, press ____. A)CTRL+T B) CTRL+R C) CTRL+M D) CTRL+235. If you do not want to keep a change made by the AutoCorrect feature, you can click the ____ button on the Quick Access Toolbar.A)Disable B) No C) Undo D) AutoCorrect Off36. The ____ page alphabetically lists sources that are directly referenced in the paper. A)works cited B) citations C) note reference marks D) endnotes37. A ____ is a named group of formatting characteristics. A)style B) pattern C) header D) format38. Use a ____ to signal that an explanatory note exists. A)footnote B) header C) subscript D) superscript39. The ____ feature in Word automatically corrects certain spelling, typing, capitalization, or gramma r errors.A)AutoMark B) AutoSpell C) AutoCorrect D) AutoFix40. The MLA documentation style uses ____ instead of noting each source at the bottom of the page or at the end of the paper. A)parenthetical references B) works cited C) endnotes D) footnotes41. A(n) ____ is text that you want printed at the bottom of the page. A)footer B) header C) footnote D) endnote42. The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is called ____. A)double-space B) vertical spacing C) line spacing D) single space43.To capitalize all selected characters, press ____. A)CTRL+SHIFT+A B) SHIFT+A C) CTRL+ALT+A D) CTRL+A44. The shortcut keys for formatting a paragraph with single spacing is ____. A)CTRL+ALT+S B) CTRL+1 C) ALT+S D) CTRL+S45. If you are using the APA style, you should double-space all pages of the paper with ____ top, bottom, left and right margins. A)2 inch B) 1. 5 inch C) . 5 inch D) 1 inch46. The _____ is a temporary Windows storage area. A)Copyboard B) Clipboard C) Editing fo lder D) Copy and Paste pane47.If you click the ____ button, a menu appears that allows you to change the format of the item that was moved. A)Paste Options B) Format Paste C) CTRL key D) Clipboard48. To use ____, you double-click a blank area of the document window, and Word automatically formats the item you enter according to the location where you double-clicked. A)AutoFormat B) Click and Type C) Cut and Paste D) Show/Hide49. To add a word to the custom dictionary, right-click the flagged word, and then click ____ on the shortcut menu. A)Add Custom B) Insert C) Edit Dictionary D) Add to Dictionary50.The MLA style specifies that a(n) ____ be used for a note reference mark to signal that an explanatory note exists at the end of the document as an endnote. A)footnote B) footer C) superscript D) subscript51. At the top you see Version ___. A)A B) B C) C D) DAnswer Key 1. A2. C3. C4. C5. C6. B7. D8. B9. C10. A11. A12. D13. B14. A15. D16. D17. C18. A19. B20. C21. C22. D23. C24. C25 . C26. A27. D28. C29. A30. C31. C32. B33. C34. A35. C36. A37. A38. D39. C40. A41. A42. C43. A44. B45. D46. B47. A48. B49. D50. C
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