Saturday, August 31, 2019
Physics Research Assignment Essay
Introduction The study of physics has had a large impact on the development of road safety. The study of Newton’s Laws, impulse and momentum help to reduce initial momentum or decrease impulse (rate of change of momentum) to protect passengers. Technological advances and studies of vehicle crashes increase the automobile industry’s understanding of the forces involved and ways of reducing effects of collisions. Within vehicles, many car safety devices are installed, such as seat belts, air bags, crumple zones and head rests. Modern road design reduces the initial or rate of change of momentum and consequently the impact of collision through crash barriers, speed zones and speed humps. Car safety devices Seatbelts Seatbelts are designed so that passengers are restrained instead of continuing to move forward at the car’s speed when the brakes of a moving vehicle are applied. In this situation, there is a tendency for a body to resist changes to its motion, called inertia. (Newton’s first law) The stopping force is applied to the more durable parts of the body such as hips, chest and shoulder. This is instead of the human head crashing into windshield if no seat belt is worn. Inertia reel seatbelts Inertia reel seatbelts have a cylinder that stores extra belt material on a spool. The spool turns freely normally for movement. In the event of a sudden change in velocity, a pendulum in the reel plunges forward to lock and restrain the occupant. It is named ‘inertia reel’ due to the inertia of the pendulum to cause belt locking. Different types of seatbelt The lap seatbelt is tightened over the pelvis and absorbs force over a sizeable area. However they do not prevent the head and upper body from lurching forward in response to deceleration and are inadequate especially for front passengers, who risk hitting the windscreen. The lap sash seatbelt combines a lap seatbelt over the pelvis as well as over one shoulder across the chest. This greatly limits movement of the upper body and head as well as spreading the stopping force over a larger area. Shoulder harnesses restrain upper torso movement even further. Two are belts fall over the shoulders and an optional strap lies over the sternum. It is effective in the way force is spread over both shoulders compared to one shoulder in lap sash. Shoulder harnesses are usually used in child restraint systems and racing cars. The nylon webbing material in seatbelts is slightly flexible so that the stop is not as abrupt. Airbags Airbags provide an extra degree of protection in a collision by cushioning passengers in a collision, greatly limiting fatalities and serious injury. They are designed to increase the time interval during which the driver’s momentum decreases in a collision to decrease the net force of the driver. They inflate when crash sensors detect large deceleration. Sensors then ignite the sodium azide, producing sodium compounds and nitrogen gas for a reactive explosion. The airbags inflate rapidly to cushion the impact of the passenger against the steering wheel, dashboard or windshield. Airbags are to be used with seatbelts, not as a replacement. A disadvantage of airbags is they provide no protection against side-on hits, only frontal collisions. More expensive cars are developing side airbags to combat this. Head rests Padded headrests provide protection in rear end collisions. When a car is rear-ended, a large net force pushes the car and it accelerates forward. The inertia, based on Newton’s first law, pushes the passenger into the seat. Without a head rest for support, the head remains at rest until the spine pulls it forward. This sudden, sharp acceleration for the head causes it to fling back and results in hyperextension and whiplash injuries. Crumple Zones Many cars are designed to crumple at the front and rear. Crumple zones increase the time interval during which the momentum of the car changes during a collision, thus lessening the forces. Newton’s second law (f=ma) can be applied, as increased ?time will result in a decreasing rate of deceleration ‘a’ and consequently reduce force. Crumple zones are built using the integration of steel and fiberglass in the front and rear end assemblies of the automobile. Rigid structures between crumple zones protect the passenger compartment. In a collision, the crumple zones deform to slow the actual impact. The car doesn’t regain all its original kinetic energy, as some of this is converted to heat and sound energy to reduce damage to passenger area through smaller forces. As crumple zones are placed in strategic locations, the collapse is controlled and energy from impact is directed away from passenger area. Road design Speed humps and low speed zones Local councils introduced Speed Humps to reduce the overall speed of cars. Evidence shows that slower moving cars cause less damage to occupants if a crash results. It has been estimated that risk of death or serious brain damage doubles with every 16km/h over 80km/h. Speed humps restrict drivers from speeding as hitting the hump too fast can cause car damage. Low speed zones also reduce the speed of cars. A reduction of speed will reduce the chance of an accident as drivers have more time to react as well as decreasing the change in momentum and associated inertial forces in collisions. The police enforces speed signs and limit zones and speeding is monitored by speed cameras. In NSW, the general urban limit is 60 km/h for roads in built up areas where there are pedestrians. Crash Barriers Crash barriers are road design features that absorb the impact of collisions. They are constructed out of steel, concrete or wire. Some types of rigid crash barriers cannot absorb much of the kinetic energy of the vehicle, but keep the vehicle on the road and prevent crashing into more dangerous roadside hazards or cars from opposite direction. Crash barriers should be relatively weak with energy absorbing structures so that they can deform easily and transfer large amounts of kinetic energy to them in collisions. For barriers shielding against hazards such as trees, they need to be a fair distance away, as space is needed for it to deform. When a vehicle collides, the barriers deform and stop the vehicle through a plowing action, keeping the reaction forces relatively low. The impulse (change in momentum) is reduced, as the vehicle takes longer to slow down. The disadvantage of crash barriers is they may cause vehicle damage (crumpling) and rigid ones may deflect a car into the opposite lane. The advance of road safety The development of vehicles with greater size, power and momentum has resulted in the need for improvements in car safety devices and modern road design. The study of physics has allowed safety features in both the interior and exterior of cars to prevent large forces acting on passengers in collisions. This is why researchers and engineers are continually turning to laws of physics for advice. Road design features reduce initial velocity to reduce the risk of accidents as well as its impact on the passenger. Automotive safety companies are continuing to develop devices to improve vehicle safety, including inflatable seatbelts, 4-point seatbelts and knee airbags to name a few. With the large percentage of the population driving – forces, momentum, impulse and energy are all factors that must be controlled as our lives depend on it.
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Nuremberg Trials
Professor Henry King (2003) declared that, â€Å"there is no greater challenge currently confronting the international community than that of defining the scope of international human rights.†And rightly so, as we observe the present day atrocities committed all over the world as well as how the progression of international law has developed systems to adjudicate on these controversial matters. One of the most pioneering landmark cases in international law is the Nuremberg War Trials. Along with its significance, perhaps, it is also one of the most debatable. Judge Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr. (1946) wrote: â€Å"to those who support the trial it promises the first effective recognition of a world law for the punishment of malefactors who start wars or conduct them in bestial fashion†(p.66). On the other hand, Wyzanski argues that, â€Å"to the adverse critics the trial appears in many aspects a negation of principles which they regard as the heart of any system of justice under law.†Such a chasm in opinion created several theoretically relevant points in analyzing the history of international criminal law. It is often said that history is written by the victors. The United States, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and France, victors of the 1939-1945 World War II, organized these trials to implead the Nazi leaders for â€Å"aggressive acts and war crimes.†About six million Jews and nearly five million other Europeans were murdered en masse in a phenomenon called the Holocaust. This is often benchmarked by international organizations as one of the first acts of genocide. This paper aims to:  discuss the international crimes indicted in the Nuremberg Trials, describe the judgment passed on the Nazi defendants, present opposing views and controversies on the matter, and analyze the significance of the Nuremberg Trials in comparison to the current criminal justice system. Nuremberg Tribunal On August 8, 1945, the representatives of the four Allied powers formally adopted The Agreement for the Prosecution and Punishment of Major War Criminals of the European Axis, and Establishing the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (IMT). Two months after, this Agreement and the IMT Charter became the legal basis for the indictment of the Nazi leaders on the four counts discussed below. Nuremberg Principles: the Four Counts of Indictment Four Counts of Indictment were the basis of the charge against the Nationalsozialistische Deitsche Arbeiterpartei (Nazi party) leadership by the International Military Tribunal. These Counts include: conspiracy to commit aggressive war, crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Critics of the Nuremberg Trials maintain that these Counts were in the nature of an ex post facto law, or one that was not a criminal act when it was first committed, yet became punishable later on by statute or legislation (Wyzanski, 1946). After all, one of the most elementary legal principles is one that holds: nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege  there is no crime where there is no law punishing such. Supporters of the Nuremberg Trials contend that international law, natural law and civil law jurisdictions adhere to the agreements between states and are compelled to adopt the internationally recognized standards, including the doctrines enshrined in the Nuremberg Trials. Count 1: Conspiracy Conspiracy, commonly stated as, â€Å"the act of one is the act of all,†or the collusion of two or more people in the commission of an offense, was established as an additional and separate substantive offense from Counts One to Three. To assert conspiracy is to define that there is a wrong done when, acting together for an unlawful end, he who joins in that action incurs liability not only for the act planned, or participated in, or could reasonably be foreseen to happen, but also for every single act that his co-conspirators committed. For instance, Julius Streicher was found guilty by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg for direct incitement and encouraging the commission of war crimes in the following: â€Å"†¦a punitive expedition must come against the Jews in Russia. A punitive expedition which will provide the same fate for them that every murderer and criminal must expect. Death sentence and execution. The Jews in Russia must be killed. They must be exterminated root and branch (Schabas, 2000, p. 278-279).†Wyzanski (1946) asks: â€Å"what is the basis for asserting such a broad and substantive crime in international law? Aside from the notion being new, is it not fundamentally unjust?†He reasons that a trial, when used as propaganda, is to debase justice. This is one of the strongest arguments posited by the critics of the Nuremberg Trials. Count 2: Crimes Against Peace Germany was a party to nine international treaties that condemn the plotting and waging of wars of aggression (the type where a state is the instigator of the war, and not merely in defense of national security). The Geneva protocol declared wars of aggression as international crimes  not merely uncivilized ways of waging war but also the waging in any way of uncivilized wars (Wyzanski, 1946). Count 3: War Crimes War crimes are in violation of the rules on warfare defined in international conventions, to which Germany was a party. This systematic course of conduct toward both civilians and combatants, excessive destruction of territories, with clear knowledge of the defendants, was deemed to be punishable, according to the 1946 article by Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr. It is aggression itself that was criminalized. This Count was the most criticized for being retroactive legislation since the history of warfare has not absolved the organizers of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal from their own acts of warfare in their respective colonies. The Allied Forces (United States, United Kingdom, Soviet Union, and France) were also known for committing war time atrocities in their own jurisdictions but critics point out that only the Nazis were held to account for their wartime liabilities. Other aggressive wars prior to World War II were not punished by international tribunals prior to the one constituted at Nuremberg. Count 4: Crimes against Humanity The horrors of Auschwitz and other parts of Germany and Europe where Jews, Poles and Gypsies were massacred in cold blood were defined as crimes against humanity, as described in the opening address to the Nuremberg Trials by US Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson (King, 2003). Despite the innocence of the civilians, they were subject to various atrocities ordered by the Nazi leadership: deliberate and systematic genocide of racial and national groups of certain occupied territories, as charged in the case of France et al. v. Goering et al., 22 IMT 203 (1946) as cited by William Schabas (pp. 37-38). Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the International Tribunal, enumerated the crimes falling under the definition of â€Å"crimes against humanity†submitted by the American delegation to the Charter of the International Military Tribunal that heard the Nuremberg Trials (Schabas, 2000, p.36). Nuremberg Judgment Nazi defendants Bormann, Goering, von Ribbentrop, and Jodl among others, were sentenced to death by hanging. On October 16, 1946, ten of them were hanged while Goering committed suicide. Bormann was tried in absentia prior to that while Hess, Doenitz, and five others were awarded ten years to life imprisonment in Spandau Prison, Berlin. 185 defendants were tried subsequently by US judges, including Nazi Party officials, judges, business executives, and doctors. Biographical Sketch From November 20, 1945 until October 1, 1946, the Nuremberg Palace of Justice in Nuremberg City, Germany became the host of a series of trials fraught with contentious debates. These trials before the International Military Tribunal adjudicated on war crimes. The most prominent was the first trial which prosecuted 24 of the top Nazi Germany (Nationalsozialistische Deitsche Arbeiterpartei) leadership in the realms of politics, economy and military. Of the 23 were originally charged, 12 were meted out death sentences but only 10 were imposed. Even organizations involved fell under the penumbra of these war crimes (Wyzanski, 1964). Applicable Historical Theory Historical theories birthed by the Nuremberg trials include international law concepts, the formation of a tribunal, and responses to the defenses invoked by the accused. United Nations member States adopted the four counts of indictment as definitions of internationally punishable acts. These theories were further codified in the Charter of the IMT which acquired jurisdiction over States that ratified the Agreement. Some defenses rooted in customary law were raised: head of State immunity; superior orders; and tu quoque (the adversary committed similar atrocities). Of these, the IMT at Nuremberg denied the defense of head of State immunity because it was formally provided in the Charter that â€Å"constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals†are liable. The defense of superior orders was also excluded by the IMT to dispel ambiguities. The Nuremberg Trials underscored the moral duty of citizens to disobey inhumane orders that contravene natural law principles of justice. However, the defense of tu quoque was glossed over at Nuremberg since the World War II behavior of the Allied powers would render the legal justifications of the IMT vulnerable to attack (Schabas, 2000, pp. 314-342). Historical Theory In Comparison to Our Current Criminal Justice System The United Nations General Assembly Economic and Social Council created an ad hoc committee to draft a convention on the crime of genocide. In this convention, they resolved to formulate Nuremberg Principles into the provisions. Several UN member States raised the ideological angle in linking genocide to â€Å"race theories†like Fascism-Nazism. Thus, the Nuremberg principles were adopted in the preamble, by its analogy to punishing war criminals for similar acts of genocide (Schabas, 2000, p. 62-64). Before the April 1994 genocide in Rwanda, the hate-mongering Radio Mille Collines was broadcasting messages to incite the population to commit massacres of the Tutsi and some Hutu civilians (Schabas, 2000, p.279). There is a chilling similarity to the situation of Nazi Germany where the Nuremberg court found such direct incitement punishable for direct incitement of acts of genocide, hatred, and violence which led to the Jewish Holocaust, among others. The criminal justice system of today and that of the Nuremberg era are both united in recognizing the criminal nature of hate propaganda and adopting measures to curb incitements to violence by adjudicating against the perpetrators. The US war on Iraq also raises delicate issues that can be attributable to the Nuremberg precedent. The historical theories and defenses raised would pose a strong ideological challenge to the criminality of certain acts that States commit against other States in the guise of protecting national security and the hegemonic concepts of development. While the US-Iraq war is said to be a fluid legal arena, the IMT of Nuremberg may have much to say on the matter. Conclusion Sixty two years ago until the present, the precedent set by the Nuremberg Trials is still being used as the rallying point for other analogous crimes. The four counts of indictment were codified into a formal Agreement along with the Charter for the IMT. Defenses normally recognized under customary law were denied by express provision of the Charter. Although the criminalization of these counts was still imperfect, provoking legal contentions even, the millions of lives lost during the war deserve the chance to have the scales of justice tilted in their favor. Through the constantly evolving international legal theories, one can only hope that humanity would be able to devise ways to put an end to the abject horror of war. References Schabas, W. (2000). Genocide in International Law: The Crimes of Crimes. Cambridge:            Cambridge University Press. King, Henry. (2003, May 1). Robert Jackson and International Human Rights. Retrieved          November 20, 2007, from Wyzanski, C. E., Jr. (1946, April). Nuremberg–A Fair Trial? Dangerous Precedent. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 177, No. 4, 66-70. The Nuremberg Trials A brief look at the Nuremberg Trials and some of the people involved. It steps upon the problems leading to the start of the trials including three of the doctors, three of the experiments performed on prisoners, and the judgment of three people involved with carrying out the vulgar experiments. Also included are three people who decided to commit suicide instead of facing certain death after going before a jury. The three people who committed suicide were also three of the biggest people involved in building the Nazi party in Germany and its surrounding areas. The Nuremberg Trials, a glimpse into the Nazis’ that committed crimes during WWII, exposes the lives destroyed, and the precedents set forth from this new category of crime, the war criminal. (Brown, 1995) The trials included 24 major political and military leaders who committed crimes against humanity and war crimes, (Congress, 2009) and did so without remorse or emotion for what their victims were going through. It was not until 1945 when the trials began that the full extent of what was truly taking place in the concentration camps and in the extermination camps (death camps) were revealed. The truth about medical experiments, atrocities, crimes against humanity, and membership in a criminal organization were grounds for the Nuremberg trials to commence and would become the precedents for all war crimes that would follow. (Congress, 2009) War crimes are defined as violations of the laws in which a person’s given rights are compromised. In broadest terms, a war crime is any act of violence by military personnel that exceeds the rules of war. To an extent, the concentration camps were guilty of all violations listed above and it was because of the crimes committed by the leaders in the camps that the Nuremberg trials became a necessity in order to make an example out of the people who committed the crimes. An argument that can be made about the Nuremberg trials is the fact that the crimes against humanity were made, but there was no precedent for war crimes before these trials started. It wasn’t until after the trials that the term crimes against humanity and war crimes became standard in the practice of law in all types of war entanglements. The International Military Tribunal (IMT) consisted of four allied powers including: Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States and were responsible for the outcome of every person being tried in the Nuremberg trials. (Cowell, 1995) â€Å"The lasting contribution of Nuremberg was to make individuals responsible,†for their genocidal contributions to the war. (Cowell, 1995) By the end of the Nuremberg trials in 1946, there were 12 people convicted and sentenced to death, three were acquitted, and seven were sentenced to prison terms of 10 years to life. Unfortunately, Hitler, Goebbels, and Himmler committed suicide before they could be tried for the crimes they committed. Adolf Hitler was appointed the chancellor of the Nazi party in 1933 and oversaw the murder of over 17 million civilians with an estimated six million Jews in what is known as the Holocaust, but Hitler took his life just days before the allied forces took Germany by force. (Farmer, 2007) Paul Joseph Goebbels was one of Hitler’s closest associates and took over the position of Chancellor of Germany for just one day after Hitler committed suicide. Goebbels committed suicide just a day before Germany was taken by allied forces. It was not until after Goebbels and his wife took their six children’s lives that they finally took their own lives. (Reich, 2009) Heinrich Himmler was the head of the Gestapo and the organizer of the mass murders of Jews in the extermination camps during Hitler’s reign and took poison to commit suicide after he was discovered wearing a disguise and fell into British hands after escaping capture in Germany. These are just a few key people in the genocide that happened in Germany during WWII and they decided to commit suicide rather than be prosecuted for the lives they destroyed. A few of the people involved in the Nuremberg trials included: Karl Brandt, Erhard Milch, and Oswald Pohl. Karl Brandt was the personal physician to Adolf Hitler and the commissioner for health and sanitation and was also the chief medical official of the German government during WWII. Brandt contributed to the experiments being performed on the inmates in the concentration camps and was sentenced to death and executed. Erhard Milch was a member of the Central Planning Board and had full power over the schedule that controlled the production and development of materials by forced labor during the war. He also assisted in the experiments being performed at the Dachau concentration camp in which high altitude and freezing experiments were conducted. (Congress, 2009) In the end, â€Å"Milch was acquitted of the charges concerning medical experiments and found guilty of charges concerning slave labor,†and sentenced to life in prison but was shortened to 15 years in 1951. Oswald Pohl was chief of the SS Wirtschafts und Verwaltungshauptamt (WVHA; Economic and Administrative Main Office) which took the place of several offices including Budget and Buildings and the Inspector of Concentration Camps. (College, 2003) In the end, Pohl received the death penalty for his involvement in the transportation of prisoners, murder, medical experiments, and his involvement in the mass executions of mostly Jews and other civilians. There were a couple of places in which the mass executions took place which included both concentration camps and extermination camps that were familiar with Hitler and the objectives he wanted to achieve during his reign during WWII. The camps included Auschwitz and Dachau which were places where experiments and death took place. Auschwitz was the place that mass murder became a daily routine after an experimental gassing was conducted in September of 1941 where 850 malnourished and ill prisoners entered gas chambers and never escaped the anguish they felt as they took their last breaths. Bulow, 2009) Dachau was another concentration camp where prisoners were mistreated and is more known for the brutal experiments that took place than executions in mass quantities like in Auschwitz. Just a few experiments that took place at the Dachau concentration camp that were brought out more clearly in the Nuremberg trials included: high altitude experiments, freezing experiments, and malaria e xperiments. (Congress, 2009) High altitude experiments were performed to test the limits of human endurance at high altitudes. The tests were performed in low pressure chambers where the pressure of 68,000 feet could be duplicated and measures, many died from this procedure and others suffered grave injury and ill treatment. The freezing experiments involved placing the subject in a tank of ice water for up to three hours without cloths or the victims were placed outside in freezing temperatures also without cloths to test the effects. After the victims were removed from the water or brought in from the cold, various methods of warming the victims up were tried, but the outcome was either death or the victims suffered severe pain and disability. The malaria experiment involved infecting healthy concentration camps with malaria bearing mosquitoes or by injecting the disease into victims from the mucous of the glands of mosquitoes. Most of the test subjects died or suffered from severe pain or disability. (Congress, 2009) In the end, the Nuremberg trials were justified because of the ways in which the Nazis’ treated the prisoners they turned into victims through the use of force and through sheer neglect. No man or woman should ever have had to endure what the prisoners of war during WWII endured. It was unconscionable what happened behind closed doors and the walls keeping the Nazis’ in control, but because of the Nuremberg trials, the truth came to be known about how relentless the Nazis’ were towards human life. A question is always asked in history classes, why does history need to be taught, and the answer is always: in order to avoid repeating the mistakes from the past. This was one of the worst times in history, and this paper is just a short excerpt to all the turmoil associated with Hitler’s ideals of the perfect world. References
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Waves On Pregnant Women Health And Social Care Essay
Waves have been applied to many of import processs presents. In this article I am traveling to look into the application of moving ridges on pregnant adult females. One of the really of import subjects is the application of echography in antenatal medical examination ; therefore I would concentrate on this subject and discourse its rule and advantages among other different methods of antenatal medical examination. However moving ridges do non merely conveying benefits to pregnant adult females, but besides injury. There are some electromagnetic moving ridges ( or EM moving ridges ) which may be harmful to both the female parents and the foetuss, such as X ray. Yet, will pregnant adult females truly have an increased hazard of abortion after holding an X-ray? Recently there are besides concerns about the consequence of wireless moving ridges and microwaves on gestation. In this article I am traveling to look into them one by one. Obstetric Ultrasonography Ultrasonography refers to the usage of ultrasound. Ultrasound is longitudinal moving ridge, it has the same velocity as hearable sound moving ridge in air, which is 340ms-1. The chief difference between hearable sound moving ridge and ultrasound is that ultrasound has a frequence beyond hearable scope of homo, which is around 20 Hertz ( 20 Hz ) to 20 kHzs ( 20 kilohertz or 20,000 Hz ) . Normally the frequence of ultrasound used in antenatal medical examination is ranged from 1.6 to 10 MHz ( MHz ) , depending on what constructions of the foetuss are being examined. Ultrasound with lower frequence can perforate deeper into organic structure tissues, because the higher the frequence, the more supersonic moving ridges are being absorbed alternatively of reflected, therefore while analyzing deeper tissues like the liver and kidney, ultrasound with lower frequence ( around 1.6-6MHz ) is used. In the echography, ultrasound moving ridges are emitted by a device called transducer. Actually the term transducer refers to a device which converts one signifier of energy into another, so there are tonss of types of transducer. In the echography, an electroacoustic transducer is used to change over electricity to breathe and have ultrasound ; therefore to be more exact, the device used is besides called an ultrasound transceiver. The transducer is placed on the venters of the pregnant adult female, the ultrasound emitted penetrates the tegument and so reaches the fetus and other internal variety meats of the female parent. The moving ridges are so reflected back to the transceiver, the transceiver senses the moving ridges and converts them into images. An ultrasound transceiver: hypertext transfer protocol: // beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // An echography: hypertext transfer protocol: // Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // In instance that the pregnant adult female is in early gestation or corpulent, she can undergo transvaginal echography, which a investigation is placed in the adult female ‘s vagina. Sometimes the trial is besides carried out if the pregnant adult female has got unnatural vaginal hemorrhage or pelvic hurting. This type of echography has the similar rule as the echography mentioned above. Some female parents may desire to see the pulse of their babes, they can transport out the Doppler echography. It has fundamentally the same rule as the echography except the ultrasound is farther enhanced by Doppler Effect. Generally the foetus ‘s pulse can be detected after 7 hebdomads of gestation, therefore the blood flow of the foetus can be detected every bit good. The blood flows in a circulation in the organic structure of the foetus, the Doppler echography can therefore observe the alteration in waies of blood flow by Doppler consequence and see if the circulation is normal or no n. This can be done by mensurating the alteration in the frequence received in the transceiver. In fact there are a few more types of prenatal medical examination, such as amniocentesis and chronic villus trying. However, the echography is the safest manner for diagnosing. The echography merely involves a transducer puting outside the female parent ‘s venters, while amniocentesis and chronic villus trying necessitate mechanical incursion and trying inside the female parent ‘s womb or venters, this increases the hazard of abortion during the trials. Despite this fact, echography can merely give an early diagnosing of the female parents and foetuss, it can non handle anomalousnesss or familial diseases. Harmonizing to the trial conducted by RADIUS survey group in 1993, research workers found that obtaining echography has no significantly negative consequence on cut downing perinatal morbidity or mortality among the foetuss or the female parents. Furthermore, the sensing of anomalousnesss really did non change the result of newborn babes. Therefore it is of import to a dmit that echography is merely a trial whether the foetuss are healthy, but non a intervention to anomalousnesss. Harmful consequence of X ray X ray is an electromagnetic moving ridge with a wavelength ranged from 0.01 to 10 nanometres ( 0.01-10 x10-9m ) . It has a velocity of 3Ãâ€"108 ms-1 in vacuity. In fact, X ray is normally used in medical interventions, such as radiation therapy of malignant neoplastic disease and medical imagination engineering. X ray is produced in an X-ray tubing. In the X-ray tubing, negatrons are accelerated by using a high electromotive force. Electrons so collide with a metal, and the sudden slowing of negatrons consequences in the emanation of X ray. An X-ray tubing: hypertext transfer protocol: // Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // X ray has high ionising power, therefore there are many people worrying about the harmful effects of holding an X-ray diagnosing, particularly pregnant adult females. It is true that a really high dosage of radiation from X ray may ensue in radiation illness. Prolonged and uninterrupted exposure to X-ray besides increases the hazard of malignant neoplastic disease development, and in pregnant adult females, there may besides be a hazard for the foetus to develop childhood malignant neoplastic disease or even abortion. However, it seems that the harmful effects of exposing to X ray are exaggerated. The serious harmful effects mentioned above are merely the consequences of high dose in a short period of clip. There are different sorts of X raies, one type is used in scanning or diagnosing, one type is used in handling malignant neoplastic disease. The energy stored in different types of X raies is different. For normal X-ray scanning, the dose is highly little. The captive dosage of X ray is measured in rad, which 1 rad = 10Ãâ€"10-3 J kg-1 = 10-2 J kg-1. If a pregnant adult female is holding a chest X ray, the estimated fetal dosage is about 60 millirads, the dosage is about 290 millirads for an abdominal X ray. This is rather a low value, as the dosage from the radiation from outer infinite is around 90-100 millirads. In fact, the hazard of the foetus holding oculus abnormalcies or mental deceleration additions merely when the dose exceeds 10 rads, therefore it is really rare that pregnant adult females suffer from harmful effects by the X-ray radiation. Harmonizing to the American Academy of Family Physicians, by and large X raies are safe even for pregnant adult females, and harmonizi ng to radiotherapists, no individual diagnostic X ray has a radiation dosage important plenty to do inauspicious effects in a underdeveloped embryo or foetus. Normally physicians will non inquire pregnant adult females to undergo an X-ray scanning, unless when it is pressing and necessary. It is besides suggested that pregnant adult females should state the radiotherapists about the gestation, so that radiotherapists can set the radiation degree to better protect the female parents and the foetuss. To reason, many people are afraid of holding X-ray scanning when they are pregnant, but in fact the hazard is non that high if we compare the dose to the exposure to outer infinite radiation. An X-ray movie demoing gestation: hypertext transfer protocol: // Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // Concerns of wireless moving ridges and microwaves Besides X-ray, some people are refering about the consequence of wireless moving ridges and microwaves on gestation. In fact the consequence of these two types of EM moving ridges is even less than X ray. There has been a survey look intoing the relationship between exposure of wireless moving ridges and microwaves of female physical therapists, and the ratio of abortion. Due to occupational usage, physical therapists are really frequently exposed to medical equipment breathing microwaves diathermy and wireless moving ridges. Harmonizing to the survey, research workers compared the uneven ratios between those pregnant physical therapists and other pregnant adult females. The consequences showed that the hazard of abortion was non associated with reported usage of diathermy equipment, therefore people need non worry excessively much about this issue. A microwave diathermy: hypertext transfer protocol: // Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: //  4993002_4993086.html Decision Waves have been widely used in medical equipment, and there are several applications of moving ridges on gestation. Ultrasonography is the most common and the safest method of antenatal medical examination. Though it can be used in diagnosing, it is unable to handle diseases in foetus. Many people concern about the side effects of utilizing X-ray, microwaves and wireless moving ridges, nevertheless it is in fact really safe because the dose of radiation is highly little. Therefore people need non worry excessively much about the hazard of abortion caused by exposure to these moving ridges.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Female Offenders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Female Offenders - Essay Example For some time, many social scientists have ignored the diversity of the women's prison population and the differential treatment to which women of various backgrounds have been subjected. These omissions have affected the type of information available on women in the criminal justice system as it relates exclusively to the issue of gender. Largely, the study of criminology has treated female offenders with some measure of indifference. This is derived from tradition culture that have been conceived in maintain esteem for men's autonomy, intelligence and force of character while disdaining women for their weaknesses of compliance and passivity. In the essay of Kerry Brave entitled "Crime and Gender" (2003), she enthuses that women who conform as pure, obedient daughters, wives and mothers benefit men and society (Feinman, 1994: 16). Those women who don't, that is are non-conforming, may simply be one who questions established beliefs or practices, or one who engages in activities associated with men, or one who commits a crime. These women are doubly damned and doubly deviant (Bottoms, 1996: 1). They are seen as 'mad' not 'bad' (Lloyd, 1995: 36). These behaviours frequently lead to interpretations of being mentally abnormal and unstable. Those doing the defining, by the very act, are never defined as 'other', but are t he norm. As 'men' are the norm, women are deviant. Women are defined in reference to men (Lloyd, 1995: xvii). In the words of Young (1990), 'sexual difference is one of the ways in which normal is marked out from deviant'. So why do these differences exist within the criminal justice system and society as a whole In order to understand why offending and punishment differs between genders it is important to acknowledge and analyse past perceptions, theories and perspectives from predominant sociologists and criminologists of that time towards women in society. Given the emergence of a psychology of women in the mainstream of research and practice, Miller and Trapani (1995) suggested that it is critical that correctional educational practices become responsive to adolescent females. While in the past, few research studies focused on the needs and characteristics of adolescent female offenders, there is some evidence from recent investigations suggesting that adolescent females have unique needs. Most correctional educational programs, assessment procedures, and curricula have been developed on a knowledge base obtained from studies conducted with adolescent male offenders. The profile of the adolescent female now emerging from psychological, educational and sociological research suggests that programmatic changes are necessary if we are to meet the special needs of these females. Although research on adolescent females is a relatively new area of study, much information is now available that points to differences between female and male adolescents. Research has revealed that adolescent females experience more episodes of depression throughout adolescence than do males (Rutter, 1986), attempt suicide more frequently (Rosenthal, 1981), and exhibit lower levels of resilience (Block, 1990). As adolescence progresses, females' self-esteem becomes diminished, whereas young males' self-concept and self-esteem improve (American Association of University Women, 1991). Adolescent females
How sex, gender, and race are all social constructs Essay
How sex, gender, and race are all social constructs - Essay Example A critical analysis of her argument is presented in this paper. My stand here is that I agree with Dr. Warnke that race or ethnicity is a social construct, but I totally disagree with her that sex and gender are social constructs. To start with, it is important to put forward the difference between sex and gender. The two terms have different meaning and the meaning of each borrows from different theories characteristic of feminist theories. The term sex refers to male or female based on biological features. On the other hand, the term gender denotes men and women as defined by social factors. However the extent to which the society meets its definition for gender is based on diverse and dynamic considerations, such that gender aspects will vary from one society to another (Warnke 156). Natural or biological treatment characterizes the analysis of these two terms. That is, sex and gender. From gender and sexual studies videos, all persons are categorized to both sex and gender. Also, that is the same case with race or ethnicity. People actually pass as members of a given category. For instance, actors in any given piece of art may take a given character that depicts belonging to a certain race or ethnicity. On the same note, it very hard to come by an actor who will take on the role a different sex or gender different from which he or she is in actual sense. The only time this happens is when such pieces of work are meant to portray transgender motives or situations or in the event that such works need to present a sense of humor. When such an observation is made, it is important to note that the observation is temporary and therefore does not last for long. The motive by which the observation is made is only confirmed or evidenced with such observed scenario. What this shows is that people or the entire human race will identify itself with a given social organized group; that is, a race or ethnic group, but rarely will the same people practice transgender role s. Therefore, sex and gender fails to be integrated as a social construct as presented by Dr. Warnke. However, race or ethnicity as a social construct is in line with her claims (Warnke 178). To a more analysis of the claims of Dr.Warnke, gender as a social construct may hold true only if she provides enough evidence. Although at many instances gender is more tailored towards being a social construct, Warnke fails to integrate her claim into evidence that properly asserts her claims. As a result, this paper seeks to disagree with her opinion and claims. The integral assumptions and argument in that case elicit doubt and skepticism, and therefore her conclusions about race, sex and gender cannot be upheld. People are born and integrated into specific social settings, thereby determining their ethnic and racial backgrounds. These people are born either male or female or hermaphrodites by sex and the gender aspect of it sprouts out of the fact that they are male or female. Dr. Warnke a rgues that it is the society that builds up the gender side of human race and ethnicity, but fails to provide sufficient evidence to this claim. There are varied believes developed by the society based on male-female and sex-gender roles, but all that is basically based on whether one is male or female. Further to this treatment, the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Supply chain manage Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Supply chain manage - Case Study Example All the parties will be happy and co-exist and eventually the supplier can even be the sole supplier. Bose uses the purchased items to make finished products of audio premium speakers for different companies which deal with automobiles, high fidelity systems and both consumer and commercial broadcasting systems. These final products are not for local use only but are supplied to other foreign nations as well. Since they are also not the only ones in the market making these products, they need to ensure that their final products meet the highest quality standards in order to not only beat the competitors but retain their customers as well. This therefore means that the products they purchase must be of the highest quality possible if they are to achieve the above mentioned goals. Quality raw materials always leads to quality finished products and this is the logic that Bose as a company employs when purchasing quality goods. Certification means that the supplier company is well qualified to handle the supplies according to the instructions of the customers. Bose Company is very specific and very demanding of its suppliers even to the extent of having them fill inventories and have a performance system which is used to evaluate them. If this same strict company on performance of the supplier is the one handling the certification, it means that the suppliers are really qualified in proving their supply work. Bose wants to ensure that suppliers are really taking their performance systems seriously which in turn mean that company is taking care of delivering on time and make improvements when their customers demand some areas to be improved. Handing certification is also a sign of appreciation on the part of Bose Company as the supplier company that is certified has gone an extra mile of improving all their services in case of complains or abides fully to the suggestions provided by
Monday, August 26, 2019
Good Management or Bargaining in Bad Faith Essay
Good Management or Bargaining in Bad Faith - Essay Example The city of Sunbelt has a council of five members in its management. The council’s aim is to reduce the budget of the city by bargaining with the unions hard over their salary and fringe benefits. The city management orders the union members i.e.; trash collectors and other public work employees to work for eight hours during the day and not go home even if they finish their work before hand. The department of public works follows a two-tier system in which it protects the salaries, benefits of the currently employed workers but for those who are newly employed, receive a low salary, and they have to pay a high proportion of their health benefit costs. The case does not reflect any problem in the relationship between the management and the union because the management will obviously want to reduce its costs and increase the benefits. For that, it will want to reduce their payment of salary. The already employed workers have an expertise and therefore it is the responsibility of the management to secure their salary and their needs. As for the newly employed workers, they should be given some incentives to work properly. If they are given a low income at the beginning then they will be boosted to work harder in order to get a higher pay. Such a kind of relationship does not differ from the normal relationships between the management and the union. (Klingner, Nalbandian and Llorens, 2010) In the given case study, the collective bargaining was a combination of three options. They were: The effective in this process was that of hard bargaining with the PBA. Instead of hard bargaining the other two options of contracting with the country sheriff or with a private security firm could have been adopted by the management. Hard bargaining is considered the best strategy in this situation because it involves: There are different challenges faced during this agreement. The decision was to undertake hard bargaining. It was also mentioned that if hard bargaining was unsuccessful then with the approval of the council, any of the other two options could be pursued.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Organizational Behaviour Cases Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Organizational Behaviour Cases Analysis - Essay Example As what usually happens, differing responsibility requirements cause communication issues between managers and employees because many managers have a hard time balancing task and social-emotional role demands; in the case of Helen (who used to have a very satisfactory working relationship with Dan), she might just be overwhelmed with her new responsibilities and it is possible that she too -- just like the rest of the firm’s rank and file -- have her own private worries about the future of her career that caused her to change her ways in dealing with those under her command. Millennium’s downward communication structure exacerbates the adjustment difficulties taking place since the merger. In an ideal scenario, Helen should have established an open door policy wherein any organizational member below her (most especially Dan) can communicate directly without going through the chain. Likewise, she must place Dan in the picture and enlighten him on what is to be expected from the merger and how this will affect their standing in the company, how such organizational development might influence the way their career paths will go and how the two companies’ coalition will shape their future. However, this is not what has actually taken place. Together with the change in organizational structure, Helen also changed her methods of dealing with Dan; she has become mum about things that should have been discussed and just went about her way as if no drastic changes have transpired within the company. She has become so inaccessible that Dan started to distrust her; her â€Å"remoteness†amplified the anxieties that Dan has been going through since Millennium decided to merge with the Chicago-based organization. Similarly, despite the practiced downward communication structure within the company, Dan should have taken the initiative to talk to Helen and open up his apprehensions and concerns about his future with the firm so that he wouldn’t
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Etymology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Etymology - Essay Example The word telephone dates back to the 18th century when it was developed. The word telephone is the combination of different traditional languages. It is derived from the old language of Greek. The word telephone is made by combining two different words. These two words are tele and phone. The word tele in Greek means 'far away' and the word phone means 'voice or sound'. Both these words combine to give the word telephone which was designed to transmit the voice of individuals to far away places. The roots of the word 'telephone' are yet not specifically known. Even though it is assumed that French was the language which gave birth to the word of 'telephone'. Firstly the word 'telephone' was used for a gadget which produced sound waves. The gadget produced different frequencies of sound waves. This device was made by Sudre in 1828. The word telephone was initially used for this gadget but later on was used on for another device. This device was used in different ships to signal the ot her ships of their location. This instrument is also known as a signaling device in English. Telephone was the word given to this device as again the signals being transmitted by the ships were a way of communication between the ships. Similarly after a certain span of years a communication gadget was predicted by P. Reis in 1861. This communication tool was predicted to have the name of 'telephone' by P. Reis. In 1877 Graham Bell made his famous invention of a gadget through which people could transmit their voices. This gadget was later on named 'telephone' by Graham Bell himself in 1876. This word got its level of a verb in 1878. The verb 'telephone' means 'to speak to someone by the use of telephone'. The word telephone can be defined as a gadget which is used to have telephonic conversations. It can be further divided into a verb a noun and an adjective. The verb of the word 'telephone' means to telephone a friend i.e. a particular action of calling a friend. When we analyze a word from etymological concept we need to know search out the origin of the word. As we use the word "Book", from an etymological point of view, book was used as "* bc" -"in Old English. bc" is adopted from Germanic word "*bk-", which means "beech tree." In the same way, the old English form of book, i.e. bc has Germanic origin, *bk-, "written document, book." 'Book' and 'beech' are twigs of the same tree. Both words have Germanic origin, which is *bk-, which means 'beech tree' from an Indo-European perspective. The meaning of book hence can be said as beech tree and it is because of the fact that people of Germany, in early ages, used to write on the stripes of beech tree. The same origins of 'book' are found in Latin. 'Liber' is the word for 'book' in Latin. 'Liber' meant 'bark', that is the smooth inner bark of a tree. Early Romans used to write and state on the bark of a tree and hence Liber was used to identify the thing we call "Book" in English these days. Book refers to a number of papers printed, written, and blank or with images combined together usually fastened or hinged at one side. Every paper of the book is known as a leaf and every side of the leaf is called a page. Books are meant to convey some idea or information. There are many kinds of books including, story books, novels, magazines, journals etc. Books are available at the bookshops and libraries. People can purchase books
Friday, August 23, 2019
Principles of Data Privacy & Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Principles of Data Privacy & Protection - Essay Example Although genetic profiling has its origins in the healthcare establishment, other establishments are warming up to the benefits of genetic profiling, for instance, education and insurance. This interest has stirred up a debate as insurance laws for example, do permit the use of medical data, which could be interpreted as genetic data for underwriting. This has led to concerns among the general public and other organisation of the use and development of genetic profiling by organisations that do not understand the concept of informed consent, and the issues surrounding the use and retention of very personal information. This paper will argue both sides of the argument, as there is a case for and against genetic profiling in each case study, however it soon becomes apparent that the same issues keep arising - namely, discrimination and informed consent. What this means for data privacy and protection is that more clarity is required, as well as a structured approach to amending the cur rent legislation, and it also means that non-medical organisations interested in genetic profiling, may need to provide the solutions to the issues raised in the argument. Data privacy and protection started becoming an issue, after the dawn of the information age. It was now very easy and simple to transfer personal data and information, without going through all the mandatory security checks. The digital age also brought with it the realities of digital crime. Privacy can be defined as "the interest that individuals have in sustaining a 'personal space', free from interference by other people and organisations (Clarke)." For example, banks operate privacy conditions, where it is not possible to access another individual's bank account as this infringes on their personal space and confidentiality. The medical establishment also practices privacy in the form of confidentiality, where a doctor cannot disclose any information to anyone else even if they are related to the patient. This disclosure is often left to the patient.Privacy has several dimensions as knowledge of personal information can be classed under four different areas (Clarke). The first a spect is the personal privacy which is concerned with the individual's body and includes compulsory immunisation, blood transfusion, and compulsory provision of samples of body fluids and tissue and even compulsory sterilisation. This deals specifically with medical notes and medical history. The second aspect deals with the privacy of personal behaviour. This involves what are considered to be sensitive matters such as sexual preferences and habits, political activities and religious practices whether or not they occur in public places. This is particularly important as these matters can subject the individual to unnecessary discrimination and/or unprovoked attacks in the form of homophobic attacks or even intimidation. One example of this in the UK is with the animal testing laboratories, where those involved in animal testing are frequently targeted by groups opposed to testing animals. The third aspect deals with personal communications where the individual can claim the right t o be able to communicate to others, using various media, without routine monitoring of their communications by other persons or organisations. This mainly applies to the wider aspect of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
What is Philosophy Essay Example for Free
What is Philosophy Essay Upon reading the opening chapter of Cahn’s, â€Å"Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology†, I was immediately drawn in by the opening statement from Beardsley and Beardsley: â€Å"The study of philosophy is unlike the study of any other subject†¦The only prerequisite is an inquiring mind†(Cahn, 3). For a science major, my first reaction is excitement, for there is no need to memorize â€Å"dates, formulas, or rules†(Chan, 3). As I continued reading however, I start to think to myself what I believe it means to take a philosophy course? My definition of taking a philosophy course is I would be studying the ideas of one’s thoughts, beliefs, morals, religion, and any other â€Å"stereotypical†philosophical description. However, thanks to the definition provided, when broken down, â€Å"the word philosophy is of Greek origin and literally means, â€Å"the love of wisdom†(Cahn, 3). What does that even mean? Throughout the opening chapter, both authors try to dissect, analyze, and examine these ideas of ‘philosophy’ and ‘philosophical questions’ for readers, like myself, to gain a better understanding for exploring such a concept. Still, how do I truly know that I have reached such an answer? There are three chief benefits that the authors provide, â€Å"that are to be derived from the study of philosophy†. The first being, â€Å"increased clearness in your own beliefs†(Chan 10). For me, I believe this statement to be saying that I must truly be sure that what I hold to be true is in fact true to me. The second is, â€Å"increased assurance that your beliefs are reasonable†(Cahn, 10). So to my understanding, now that I believe that such a fact is true, I must also make sure that it is reasonable. What does it mean for something to be reasonable? â€Å"’Reasonable’ has a broad, but definite, meaning here: a reasonable belief is simply a belief for which a good reason can be given. Reasonable beliefs are logically justifiable†(Cahn, 3). Okay, so if I put this in my own words, it means that this fact that I hold to be true, must also have some sort of good purpose for it to hold such meaning. The third and last benefit is, â€Å"increased consistency†(Cahn, 11). Because there are so many questions one can ask that can force us to contradict most anything, this third belief to me is saying that, with consistency, there may be a possibility of coming to an actual answer or an agreement of such facts or ideas. Not sure if I cleared up what philosophy means to me, or if I confused myself more. Hopefully I do not confuse you either. I wrote on this first reading, because it really captured my attention in that, sometimes we as humans do philosophical thinking and questioning though we may not always be aware of it. Whether we are questioning some sort of fact out loud, or internally – we are participating in â€Å"philosophical thinking†(Cahn, 7). Therefore, it is important to understand what this term ‘philosophy’ means. I am excited for this course to explore many ideas and to uncover/discover such conceptual thinking and ideas that I may not be aware of, through the readings and discussions we will be holding in class.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Effect of Trade Balance on National Income Growth Essay Example for Free
The Effect of Trade Balance on National Income Growth Essay Every country wants to be Just an exporter of goods and services. But since no man is an island, no matter how much exports a country makes, it still has to import at some point. Using the national income identity, Y = National income or GDP C = Consumption I = gross investment G = Government expenditure X = Exports and, M = Imports. From the equation above, the GDP of a country is dependent on consumption, investment, government spending and net exports. Other variables apart, this paper focuses on how exports and imports affect the GDP. Having a high GDP is the aim of every nation but having the right mix of exports and imports is the problem. Some countries live beyond their means by importing more than they export while some export more than they import.
Communication As A Process Of Transmitting Information English Language Essay
Communication As A Process Of Transmitting Information English Language Essay Introduction What is communication? Communication is a process whereby meaning transmit information from one person to another. Communications are the important in the world for every human or animal. While many of people think communication only belong of human, in fact, animal will also know communication, they using like as body language. We have spent more than 70 percent to speak for working or communicate daily in our life. Todays, communicate are helping businessman to get success in their job, for example promotion of a product, customer services, and etc. A success company required a high quantity business communication. It is because communication can affect the customers confident and reliance. For example, have two salesmen are selling same of product, the first salesman has detail to promote his product and other one is simple to promote, when you asking them question, first salesman answer can make you satisfied, other one answer not fluent, even cant answer. According to the above situation, you will buy with which one salesman? In addition, good communication can help business to solve a lot of problem, let business just move upward. One will know other thinking and moods through communication language. It is hard to imagine a life where there is absolutely without communication. 1.3 Defined answer Communications divided to 2 types that are verbal communication and non-verbal communication. Verbal are easy to appear in our normal life, is one way for people communicate face to face. As a child grows, start to learn how to form these sounds into words. Some of key components of verbal communication are sound, words, speaking, and language. The other type of communications is non-verbal. It is transferring information a lack of words, but no meaning lack of vocalization. Some of key components of non-verbal communication are body language facial cues, personal grooming, hand gestures and graphical signs. On the basic of a communication process, is including a sender, Encode, channel, decode, a receiver and feedback only can be communicate. The communication process begins with the sender and ends with the receiver, the communication process is made up of key components are encoding, medium of transmission, decoding and feedback. communication-process-mbaknol.gif Diagram 1 1.34 Sender Firstly, Sender is faced with involves the encoding process to initiates the communication process. In order to convey meaning, the sender must begin encoding, which means translating information into a message in the form of symbol that represent idea or concepts and then, send that message to another person or organization to achieve some objective. The symbol can take on numerous forms such as, languages, words, or gestures. The senders may be an editor, a reporter, a filmmaker, a teacher, a writer or anybody who take the initiative to start a dialogue. 1.35 Encoding Encoding is the formulation of messages in the sender mind, that is, the sender not only translates his purpose into a message and also decides on the medium to communicate his planned message. Senders need to choose the media are suitable for receiver can comprehend well. For example, an illiterate receiver will fail to understand a written, but can understand it well if told with the orally. Actually the purpose of communication is to influence the receiver and get favorable responses. a message can enhance or distort effective communication. 1.36 Channel of medium To begin transmitting the message, the sender need used some kind of channel to convey the message. The kinds of channel have face to face, email, phone, fax, text message, advertising, group presentation, etc. choosing the appropriate channel, is can affect receiver to receive the message. It is because Success and fail of communication depends on the selection of the right channel. If sender relays a message through wrong channel, the message may not reach to the right receivers. That why senders need to keep in mind to selecting the appropriate channel will effectiveness of the receivers understanding. 1.37 Decoding After selected the right channel, the message will enters the decoding stage of the communication process. Decoding is conduct by the receiver. The receiver begin to receive the symbol sent by sender, then the symbol message sent to the receivers brain for interpreting, in order to make the symbols be meaningful. A successful communication takes place, when the receiver can correctly to interpret the senders message. It is these processing stages that make up are called decoding. 1.38 Receiver After decoding the process stages, the message is reach receivers brain. The receiver is the destination of the message. He may be a listener or a reader or a viewer of the message. He is a decoder who having understood the spirit of the message responds to it or gives necessary feedback. Sender can send their experiences, attitudes, knowledge, skills, perceptions, and culture to receiver through a message. But, needed follow sender between receivers their receptivity to the message, and the relationship and trust that exist. 1.39 Feedback After the receiver process stage, arrive the feedback process stages. Feedback is receivers response of the message. Feedback is the final link in the communication process. Feedback tells the source how the receiver has interpreted each message. The message, which conveys lack of understanding, is known as negative message. Positive feedback, on the other hand indicates that the receiver has understood the sources message. The effective communication is always sensitive to feedback and constantly modifies his or her messages as a result of the feedback received. 1.4 Noise Noise is can damage or disruption the communication and make it ineffective at anytime. Environment is one of the major causes in the case, which can interfere with message reception. For example, noise from the roadside, like blaring loudspeaker, faulty transmission, etc, there are can making communication be disruption. Noise also can occur in other form. Such as poor handwriting, heavy accent or soft speech, communication in a poorly lit room, etc. For the smooth and effective communication, required have a nice timing, suitable place, right receiver and necessary to eliminate noise as far as possible. 1.5 How to know audience has received the right message There are several ways that, we can ensure our audience get the right message, such as clarity, Completeness, Correctness, Conciseness and confident. 1.51 Clarity Clarity of purpose is wanted to add much to the meaning of the message and making the message easier to understand. The first stage is clarity in the mind of the sender. The next stage is the easier transmission of the message in a manner which makes it simple for the receiver to understand. Clarity written message is avoid receiver misunderstanding of message and save the time. The now of world, everyone doing their work or anything also required fast, so that, they will take very little time to read and understand the message. Therefore, sender will require send a clarity message to receiver, avoid waste more the time. Actually, clarity is depends on the four factors. That is short and simple sentences, proper punctuation, giving definite and concrete details and logical sequence of ideas. 1.52 Completeness Completeness is meaning completeness to show out your meaning or your point, when you in talking or writing. Sender required sending all of point in the message to receiver, if just sending half of point meaning to receiver. Receiver will cannot to understand the message. 1.53 Conciseness Conciseness is meaning expressing a message in few words. It is means keeping to the point, using few words as possible without lack of clarity. Conciseness is achieved by eliminating all redundant words. Only relevant words and phrases are permitted in conciseness. It is because those redundant words can make confuse to receiver, on another way, long written can let receiver be weary of listen or watch, then cannot to get main meaning. As far as possible, only simple and brief statement should be made. 1.54 Correctness Correctness of purpose is correct use of grammar, message composition and appropriate words and adapting the right level of communication to suit the receivers level, determine the correctness of communication. At the time of encoding, the sender should ensure that his knowledge of the receiver is same level. It is because same level of knowledge only can be communicated. For an example, one of people use the broken English to talk with another people, but that people is use profession English. Thus, they cannot talk with each other. Over writings, wrong spellings, faulty grammar, poor sentence construction etc may distract the readers and lead to misunderstanding. Therefore, it is essential that the sender should be sure the correctness of the information before transmitting it to the receiver. 1.55 Confident When to talking, presentation, explaining something or promoting, people should be confident. It is because, as humans have faith, do what matter will also can success. When be confident, your voice should be loud enough and at a controlled pace, and your body language should be strong with a straight back, meaningful gestures. When you have researched and prepared well, you feel confident, and you can let that shine through. 2.0 Question 2 As the Product Manager of a soon-to-be-launched product*, explain the methods, the mediums and the vehicles that you would use to communicate with your target audience to persuade them to buy your product. Produce one (1) advertisement for your product. *student may decide on whatever product that they wish 2.1 Define question 2 The now advertisement is very important in the world. It is purchase or takes some action upon products, ideas, and services to its target audience. They required know their name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer. As in the following, consumer will buy these products and buying rate will increase. In fact, there are many ways to spread an advertisement message in the world. Such as online advertisement, print advertisement, electronic advertisement, and mobile advertisement. 2.11 Online medium Online advertisement is a simply a term relates to advertisement, it a form of promotion that via the internet for expressed purpose of marketing the message transmitting to the customers and attract them. In the online advertisement, the website web page is very important, that is could success on consumers being drawn to their products only in home page. It is because, every consumer will be watched in this home page, then decision whether he wants the information. The now, majority of the people spend their work and leisure time to sit in front of their computer on the internet. Thus, online advertisement also is the nice way to promote their product. In the online advertising have several different type of advertisement. Such as email advertising, web banners, pop-up advertisements and etc. 2.12 Print medium Advertisements are many forms to found in many places in the world. One of forms is known as print advertising, it forms is a traditional forms and very popular in the advertisement medium. It is because these categories of medium can reach such large audience, and the great numbers of specialized publications on the market enable businesses to focus on a target audience with a specific set of characteristics. Actually, print advertising have to divide into several type. Such as Newspaper, magazines, yellow pages, flyer and etc. there are all of print advertising type. 2.13 Electronic medium Electronic medium primary purpose is promoting to audience via electronic medium. Such as video recording, audio recording, multimedia presentations, slide presentations, TV advertising, etc. electronic medium also be a famous medium at the world. It is because the now multimedia are very useful, and very popular. Therefore, they using promoting their product via multimedia will have a lot people to watching. In addition, using multimedia have many color and important is have 3D images that is can to attracting many of audience. These are advertising can detail and lively to explain their product. 2.14 Mobile Medium According to human survey, people have 60 percent is in outside a daily. So that, use the mobile medium also is a best choice. It is because when people in outside will can using the vehicle or can see the vehicle. So that, at the time showing some advertising at the vehicle, people will go and see it. Mobile medium have to appear in some of place such as train the cases, bus the cases, etc. Another of mobile medium, is needed using in hand phone such as SMS, MMS, etc. These are use the message be advertising via hand phone. So that, this type of medium need from a people to send to each other. 2.2 Print medium to advertising Computer Pen Our companies are choosing the print medium to be our advertising. It is because print medium have many of benefit for our used and suit for use in todays world. Todays world, the pollution is more and more grave, we needed reduce any pollution are continues. So that, using print medium is the best choice, cause by print medium can recycle. We can use print medium such as newspapers to promote our company new launch product. Newspapers are inexpensive to promote the product, our only need to use a little money can do a very good advertising and it is wide a type of advertising, many of people are have to watch the newspaper. Another advantage of this medium is different rates and sizes, look at the various sizes of advertising in the newspaper. Newspapers normally have several standard sizes and all the sizes have their price in the newspaper. Actually, a newspaper is by a lot of news or advertisement being formed. So that, this also is a very popular of reason. In another of print m edium, such as magazines, flyer, etc. those are also very popular for young people, magazines have to attracting young people, it always is appear up to date new in the magazines, so that, young people very like. So that, our product if using this print medium to promoting is a best choice. Above of flyer is our company product, purpose of flyer is let audience can be understand what the product are produce in our company and attracting them to buying it. This flyer has to using WordArt to be the products name, let audience known what the name of product. In the top left and right corner have to use two picture to explain the function of production. Let audience can be clearing to know the function of product. The yellow color is to telling benefit of the product and it having to use Gungsuh font and 20 size fonts. It of purpose is let audience can be attention it. At the base, that is our company of name address and contact no, it is using red color to design the fonts. 3.0 Conclusion As a conclusion, business communication is an important and the best thing. In the business communication have teaching us how to communication with each other. In fact, communicate have a several of stage to process the communication. We need to clearing understand all of communication process. Therefore, afterwards we can use in society and our daily life. In my opinion, business communication is very useful in our life, this can when we are in the society, no need to scare about the communication and can process efficiency increased. Therefore, we must need to learn it, avoid afterwards have to appear any problem.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Barrie Jean Borich’s Restoring the Color of Roses :: Barrie jean Borich Restoring Color Roses
Barrie Jean Borich’s Restoring the Color of Roses An unstable family environment can shape the way a girl is brought up a great deal. The way her family treats her and reacts to her helps her develop her attitude for and her outlook on the rest of her life. In Barrie Jean Borich’s Restoring the Color of Roses, she presents the reader with a somewhat unstable and sometimes scary family situation. Through her narrative, Borich proves that this type of environment is destructive for a growing girl. With most of her family, Barrie is unable to be her true self. Her mother is not comfortable with Barrie’s lesbianism. In Slouching towards Chicago, Barrie has a conversation with her mother that reveals her mother’s attitude towards her sexuality. Her mother asks her if she’d ever â€Å"do things†with women (21). Barrie’s internal response to this question was, â€Å"And now the implications are clear. Not only will I do it, I will be it. And this is what I didn’t get before. People are going to hate me for this†(21). She can not be completely comfortable with who she is because she does not exist in a supportive family environment. She feels people are going to hate her for her homosexuality. This type of family situation is detrimental to the development of a growing girl. Another aspect of Barrie’s family life that is destructive towards her development is the issue of self confidence and body image. In A Body’s Documentary, moments appear where Barrie’s self image is damaged by her family. One such occasion is when her father got angry and broke a plate because Barrie â€Å"never talk[ed]†and was just like her mother, resulting in Barrie questioning her features and becoming extra self-conscious of them (38). Immediately following that incident, Barrie talks about preparing for picture day: â€Å"On picture day I could not find an outfit that would make my body disappear, but in the back row, at least, my sausage thighs could hide. I could only pray my nose would shrink beneath the crown of my new bangs†(38). She has a very negative opinion of herself. Obviously this self confidence issue stems directly from her father’s comments. Barrie’s mother also shares some of the responsibility f or Barrie’s self esteem.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Torture Essay -- essays research papers
Ronald D. Cretlinsten contends that torturers acquire the ability to cope with the moral dilemmas of inflicting pain upon and murdering their fellow humans primarily through the processes of â€Å"routinization†and â€Å"dehumanization†, and also through the notion of â€Å"authorization†(191). With such as the case, an individual adept in the art of torture would necessarily have learned to be cruel, however, that argument neglects the very reality that many engaged in such activities are intrinsically perverse, and in fact willingly and happily do harm to others. The prevalence of torture throughout the world can be accounted for in part by the process of â€Å"routinization†in which a regime, in essence, desensitizes a given torturer to the atrocities that he is committing in its name. In such a process â€Å"what is being done to someone transforms into what is being done: information gathering†(191). The task of amassing information and confessions eclipses the reality in which the torturer lives; this is achieved through peer pressure from fellow torturers â€Å"to be a man†, by intense physical and emotional training, and through the employment of propaganda claiming that the torturer is fulfilling his duty and doing the right thing as his victims are immoral enemies of the state (192). In short, the torturer becomes disoriented and unable to decipher the actuality of his existence. This disorientation is caused by repetition, or â€Å"habituation†, in addition to the development of the â€Å"task-orie...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Challange of Non-theme Writing :: Teaching Writing Education Essays
The Challange of Non-theme Writing "Practice makes perfect". Those are words to remember when attempting to do something new, something beyond your normal routine whether it be playing a sport, singing a song, or even writing in a different form. This thought occurred to me by accident as I grew frustrated with myself for not figuring out what would or would not be acceptable for this writing assignment. I put some music on to clear my head and perhaps stimulate a small portion of my brain that wasn't pulling its fair share in considering how to put this assignment together, and the third song I heard happened to be a song that a friend and I attempted to perform one year at a high school talent show. The song took me back to that performance. I was almost sorry it did until the words "practice makes perfect" suddenly appeared in my mind. Of course, at the time, I was thinking how things could have been different with that performance, but the thought remained in my head long enough to toy with the idea a little. I w as able to put this paper together after I remembered Laib's quote: "an essay is a performance or process, not a display." I'm still not positive how to apply it, but it has me thinking, and that's the first step. Just to set the record straight, the "practice makes perfect" was not directed at my guitar playing during the song, honestly, but rather at my friend's singing, which did enough damage for the both of us. When my friend Leo and I decided to perform, I started having visions of the wild cheering and applause we'd receive when we finished. Yes, I had great expectations, and I wasn't stupid enough to think that I wouldn't have to work for that applause either. I practiced night and day, or at least as much as I could between school, work, and homework. When the night of the show arrived, I knew I hadn't perfected the song, but I was more than competent playing it and was confident I wouldn't have any trouble performing it. Unfortunately, conflicting schedules had prevented Leo and me from practicing together more than a couple times right after we signed up for the show. I wasn't worried though because he'd assured me that he'd been practicing on his own too.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Participant Observation in Sociology Essay
In Research All sociological research methods involve observation, however, participant observations is defined by when the researcher themselves participates in the activities of those he or she is observing and studying. Hughes (1976), describes participant observation as, ‘ When the researcher becomes part of a daily round, learning languages and meanings, rules of impersonal, relations†¦ and in short, living the life of the people under study. 1 Participant observations come in two forms, overt participant observations, in which, the researcher informs the groups members about the purpose of the research and othe details, and there is covert participant observations, in which, the researcher joins the group without informing the members, the research is carried out secretly and the members of the group are unaware they are being studied. This in itself can raise many issues. When carrying out participant observations, whether covert or overt, there are many problems that can occur, including time, cost, bias, replication, generalisation, validity, reliability and ethical issues. An important aspect when carrying out participant observations is that the researcher must observe people in their natural settings, the researcher must not disturb that setting. In Parker’s study (View from the Boys 1974)2, of Liverpool adolescents, the researcher persuaded the boys to no commit a crime at the time, but did not stop them committing the crime ideally. This brings about many issues. For example, in participant observations, the researcher, as stated, should just observe. Parker broke this rule by convincing the boys not to steal at that moment. His intervention changed the behaviour of the boys, therefore any results can be said to be inaccurate as the group was not behaving as it would have if Parker was not present. Additionally, it raises ethical issues. He knew the boys would commit the crime later on, but because of his research, he couldn’t call the police or punish them, therefore to what extent did the means of the study justify the means. Another disadvantage of using participant observations is the time, money and personal cost it entails. Participant observations can be done over a number of months, during which the researcher is usually cut off from the support of their family and friends, giving them personal stress.
Friday, August 16, 2019
My Passion
Cooking is my passion. It allows me to be creative when I’m normally not. Anything I cook makes me feel good: desserts, lunch, dinner, or snacks. I’m most relaxed in the kitchen, apron on, and ingredients everywhere. It’s like a challenge to see what’s in my fridge and pantry and to see what I can create. Every pot and pan I have waiting on my stove, a pantry full of ingredients at my leisure, an eager family waiting in the other room, ideas tumbling around in my head, utensils cleaned and ready, my mind goes somewhere else and I am in my element. My passion is waiting.The simpler the ingredients, the better. I can’t decide whether to use pasta, rice, or potatoes. My hands instinctively grab for the olive oil to prep my saute pan. A dish in my house is not complete without garlic so I start there. Within minutes I have the veggies sauteing, the pasta boiling, the salad resting, the meat searing, and the fresh bread baking. The aroma wakes my family from whatever they were doing and they join me in the kitchen to chitchat and watch me work. Swatting my husband’s hands as he attempts to sneak a bite is instinctual; he has to wait for the finished product like everyone else.The meat is resting and waiting to be sliced, the fresh bread is cooling on a platter, the water glasses are waiting to be filled, and the table is set. I get anxious as everything is finishing at once and my husband helps by draining and tossing the pasta with some olive oil to keep it from sticking. The veggies are perfectly tender in the garlic butter cream sauce and look beautiful atop the tri color pasta. I feel proud that my family enjoys my cooking as much as I do. Their joy is the reason I love it so much. It’s finally time to eat.
Media and Anti Corruption
In some countries, such as Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Albania to a much lesser extent, the independent media has brought to the fore numerous corruption cases, exposing high officials. It has also been a major force behind mobilizing public opinion against corruption, as in the case of Bulgaria. At the same time it has exerted indirect pressure on the respective governments to take steps to limit corruption practices. The Bulgarian independent media, which has been marked by intensified anti-corruption reporting, stands out with its permanent engagement in the public debate about corruption and the efforts to curb it. It is characterized by improved quality coverage of corruption issues, expansion of the public dialogue in the media through inclusion of opinions of other civil society sectors and individuals and increased follow-up of reported cases, all of which speaks for a trend towards greater professionalism in its anti-corruption efforts. However, the limited role of the independent media in some countries should also be noted. In some, such as Bosnia Herzegovina, this has been due to the fact the media is mostly state controlled. In others, such as Albania, corrupted individuals have instigated distrust in the media, which lacks the professionalism necessary for investigative journalism and has fabricated and then denied its facts in corruption cases. A serious impediment to the greater role of the independent media is the fact that it is rarely truly independent. There is a problem of media ownership, symbiosis between business and media, the relations between the authorities and the owners of the media. On the Balkans the media is often financed by international organizations and thus has to rely on foreign help because of the small market size, in the case of Bosnia Herzegovina, or by certain business lobbies in the case of Albania. There are also cases of media close to current or former governments, in Bosnia Herzegovina, for instance, which can impede investigative journalism and its favorable impact on the efforts to combat corruption. Since it is also often regarded as a political tool by the owner, either the state or a private entity, the pressure exerted on journalists can often lead to biased coverage and impede impartial corruption investigation, which is illustrated by the Romanian press. A further hurdle to a greater role of the media is the fact it often lacks access to essential government information. For instance, in Romania, because of few laws giving access to public information or lack of their enforcement, the independent media has to rely on unofficial channels in corruption cases. Because of this unofficial information, which may be incorrect, the official authorities are even more unwilling to cooperate with the media on corruption scandals. The analysis of the media possibilities to investigate and report corruption represented the objectives of the Freedom House Assessment Report on media responses to corruption in some countries in the region summarizes the main difficulties: – Lack of independence – Lack of access to basic government information – Punitive libel law and prosecutorial abuse – Weak advocacy groups – Disincentives to investigative journalism – Lack of experience and training opportunities – Public cynicism regarding corruption
Thursday, August 15, 2019
A Day in the Life of David M. Foster
A day in the life of David M. Foster begins early. The alarm clocks begin sounding at 0445 Monday morning, even though I don’t get up until almost 0530. I am a deep sleeper and have a hard time waking up. My wife, Sarah, is not a heavy sleeper and is constantly awoken by my myriad of alarm sounds while I attempt to wake up enough to get out of bed. At 0530, I get up, turning off all the alarms so as not to aggravate my wife further. In a face-saving gesture, Sarah says nothing and acts as though she were asleep the entire time.Face-saving behaviors are â€Å"techniques used to salvage a performance (interaction) that is going sour†(Henslin, 2011, p. 114). Sarah has acted this way so that I don’t feel badly about waking her, even though we both know that my inability to get up quickly irks her each and every morning. I have to catch the bus, so I rapidly get dressed and grab my bag. When I get to the bus stop, there are several people there, but because the tempe rature is so low (about 20 degrees), no one says much. We generally keep to ourselves that early in the morning anyway.I do nod to those who are senior to me in rank and position in the military, as is customary for the services. One is expected to give the â€Å"greeting of the day†, basically a â€Å"good morning†to those who are senior in rank to you. Because I am of a junior rank, even as a seasoned NCO, I play that role. I have been playing that role for more than 15 years at this point and have come to acknowledge that it is part of my self-concept (Henslin, 2011, p114). At 0550, the bus arrives, late as usual. Just as soon as I sit down on the bus, I shoot off a text message to my supervisor, SFC Cooper, letting her know that I’m on the bus.The reason for this is two-fold. One, accountability formation is at 0630 (the bus ride is 20 minutes, minimum) and two, to let her know that I’m on the bus and didn’t just oversleep. The US Military ing rains certain standards of action into you as resocialization. Resocialization is â€Å"the process of learning new norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors†(Henslin, 2011, p86). These standards become norms. Norms are â€Å"expectations or rules of behavior that reflect and enforce behavior†(Henslin, 2011, p46).One of hese norms is that you must arrive 10 minutes prior to any formation. This is not a more, but a folkway. Not arriving at the appointed time violates a more. A folkway is a â€Å"norm that is not strictly enforced†(Henslin, 2011, p49), while a more is a â€Å"norm that is strictly enforced because it is thought essential to core values or to the well-being of the group†(Henslin, 2011, p49). At 0615, we arrived at the gate to Patch Barracks, the military Kaserne, or installation. The civilian guard is a Local National, so I greet him with a â€Å"Guten Morgen†(German for Good Morning).If he had been one of the few American guards, I would have just spoken in English. At 0635, after our accountability formation, I change into my uniform for the day, the Army Combat Uniform. The Uniform helps to indentify the subculture that we all belong to. Each service has its’ own uniform and its’ own subculture. A subculture results from â€Å"the values and related behaviors of a group that distinguish its members from the larger culture†(Henslin, 2011, p49). The US Military is a subculture of the United States of America and the US Army is a subculture of the US Military.Fast forward to after breakfast, its 0800 and I arrive (ten minutes early) for the Equal Opportunity Leader (EOL) Course that I am attending this week. Here I meet SFC Trussell, the instructor for the course and also the Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA) for the Stuttgart, Germany area. SFC Trussell is my senior, so I defer to him and address him as â€Å"Sergeant†, which is in line with our folkways and mores. During the first part of the training today the students are all required to create a â€Å"badge†. This is done using a graphic and 5 words to describe your characteristics, list your demographic information, and group affiliations.The point of this exercise is as an â€Å"Ice-breaker†but also to help others understand how you relate to the world around you. The rest of the day is dry and boring. Having 15 years of experience, most of the course material in the EOL course is not new to me. Sarah has driven down to Patch Barracks and dropped off the car, so I don’t have to catch the bus home tonight. At 1715, I swing by the office and check in with SFC Cooper and answer a few emails to my counterpart at our higher headquarters. Nothing new, mostly routine stuff. At 1740, it’s into the car and off for the 40 minute drive home.Traffic is much worse in the evening than in the morning. I get home at 1820, walk through the front door, and immediately drop everything because here comes Molly. Molly is 4 years old and runs for me as soon as I open the door, yelling â€Å"Daddy’s home†! I grab her off the floor and give her hugs and kisses, transitioning from my role as â€Å"Soldier†to my roles of â€Å"Father†and â€Å"Husband†. This goes on with Molly for about 5 minutes before she begins to lose interest (as 4 year olds generally do) and I put her down, giving Sarah a kiss and asking how her day was.Our interaction is not very detailed as we both need time to decompress from our recent role changes. Sarah has gone from mother mode to wife mode as I have just entered the father role and can assist in taking care of the children. About 30 minutes later, dinner is ready and out pops Ellie. Ellie is 13 and regardless of the questions asked, her responses are seldom more than a word or two, â€Å"typical†behavior for a teenager. At 1920, dinner is over and it’s washing up time. At this point, everyone dri fts off to do whatever we normally do, sticking with our own routines.I log into my online game, Eve Online, and chat with my friends there. Molly goes back to her â€Å"before bed†cartoons, Ellie disappears back into her room to do whatever teenagers do in their rooms, and Sarah logs onto her computer to chat with friends on Facebook and read the English newspapers online. I play Eve Online until 2200, the appointed time for my group to play, chatting about work, news, and such while engaging in space combat. At this point it’s time for me to pack my bag again for the next day, preparing to start all over. At 2245, it’s into bed and lights out. Day done!As I typed my Journal, I realized that the majority of my day is consumed by playing the role of Soldier. The structure of the US Military is such that almost every facet of your daily life, from the time you wake up, to the clothes you where, to the way you address people, is determined prior to the situation. Out of a 17 hour day, more than 12 hours of it is consumed by the â€Å"Soldier†role. Because I have been in the US Military for 15 years, I am fully indoctrinated and invested in this system, whether I realize it or not. I also realized that there is a specific moment when I transition from the Soldier role.Specifically, this is the moment I walk through the door and am â€Å"attacked†by my youngest daughter. If not for her, I might get â€Å"stuck†in the Soldier role, unable to do anything else. The importance of keeping this â€Å"Soldier†role at the forefront every day is simple: it provides the livelihood for me and my family. Without the US Military, and my participation in it, I would be forced to find alternate means to care for my family. I posses skills to do so now, but only because the US Military taught them to me. I was socialized in adulthood in the US Military. A day in my life is likely similar to most.The discerning factor is probab ly the US Military ties, though many of my classmates are also members of a military subculture. The subculture of the US Military dominates my daily life by design. The US Military requires individuals to be prepared to do extraordinary things and so requires a higher level of commitment (and indoctrination) than a job at McDonald’s might. The role of Soldier is a vast part of â€Å"who I am†, but I am also â€Å"Father†and â€Å"Husband†, as well as â€Å"friend†, â€Å"coworker†, â€Å"peer†, and â€Å"superior†to many, many people. I wouldn’t change a thing†¦. well, maybe the 0445 alarm clock. Journal All times in 24 hour clock. 8 February 2013 0445Alarm Sounds 0530Get out of Bed without waking wife any more than alarm has already. 0530-0545Dress in US Army Improved Physical Fitness Uniform (IPFU) 0545Grab bag, packed night before, and head to bus-stop.Temperature well below freezing with snow on the ground. N od to others at bus-stop, no one really speaks, too cold. Several of the people at the bus-stop are higher ranking (which is normal). 0550Bus arrives, late as usual. Sent text message to SFC Cooper (Supervisor and Platoon Sergeant) saying â€Å"On the Bus†. 0550-0620Bus ride to Patch Barracks. Pulled hat down and slept (which is also normal). 615Showed ID Card to Gate Guard, said â€Å"Good Morning†in German since the guard is a German national. 0620Depart bus at second stop and walk to gym for first formation. 0625Drop bag in locker room, head to formation. Make sure supervisor/Platoon Sergeant see that I am present. Get brief for day from Detachment Sergeant (Upcoming events, etc. ). Fall out of formation because I am not doing Physical Training, reminded Platoon Sergeant/Detachment Sergeant that I had EO Course this week. 0635Back into Locker room to change into Army Combat Uniform (ACU’s).0635-0715Shower, Shave, change, etc. 0715Depart Gym to Kantine for br eakfast. 735Arrive Kantine, order eggs, sausage, Brotchen, coffee in German because the cook is a German national that has been working there for a significant period of time. 0740Pay for Breakfast in Euro instead of US Dollars 0750Drop tray and head to Equal Opportunity Leader (EOL) Course across the parking lot. 0800Met SFC Trussell, the instructor and also the Stuttgart Garrison Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA). 0830During first block of training must complete the â€Å"Badge†exercise. Required to use 5 words and a picture to describe characteristics, demographic data, and group affiliation (annotated below).Stood up in front of class of 24 other Non-Commissioned Officers (NCO’s) and explained my â€Å"Badge†. I know several of them, some from my Unit and some from other units in the area. Schedule for the class is tight, trying to finish 6 days of training in 5. Keep most of my comments to myself so as not to drag out the class with empty discussion. 0900-11 30Some interaction with classmates, though not much. It’s day one of the course and we are just getting to know one another, as well as keep up with the fast pace of the rather dry subject matter.Couple of â€Å"smoke breaks†thrown in, but not on any schedule (I’m a pack a day habit). 1048Sent â€Å"I Love You†text to wife. Got same in response. 1130Break for lunch. Walk to food-court. Lunch at Burger King. Remark to clerk about high prices and how they are similar to US Prices. Had a chicken sandwich, fries, and sweet tea. 1245Head back to class. 1300-1700Instruction resumes, not much deviation from the morning block. 1630Got a text from the wife, car has been left at work for me to take home so I don’t have to ride the bus. Reply with â€Å"Thanks Babe†1700Class ends, pack up and leave classroom.Speak with SFC Williams (from my unit) briefly about the class and whether or not to go back to office before heading home. 1715Enter office to check email and find SFC Cooper still there (Workday ends at 1700). She asks me about class and I explain that it’s fast paced but dry. I have been in the Army 15 years, I know all of the course material from previous training. Checked email and responded to several requests for information from my counterpart (SFC Stewart) at the level above me (BDE). 1740Log-off computer and go to car. 1745-1820Traffic and drive home.825Enter home, Molly (4) runs to me yelling â€Å"Daddy, Daddy! †. Pick her up and give her a big hug and kiss. She immediately begins telling me about her day, though most of her responses are â€Å"I don’t remember†to questions I ask. 1830Put Molly down and kiss wife, ask her how her day was. Response is â€Å"not bad†. She asks how my day was and I respond with â€Å"long and boring. Class is dry. †1830-1845Change into regular clothes. 1845Check personal email, nothing important, mostly spam. 1850Sit down to dinner, eati ng English Shepard’s Pie. Molly complains and Ellie (13) comes out of her room long enough to eat.Try to start conversation and basically get one word answers. Typical Teenager responses. 1920Dinner finished, clear table and rinse dishes. Back onto computer to play. 1930Log in to Eve Online (MMORPG) and greet my â€Å"friends†. 4 people who live in the same town are my â€Å"corps mates†. 1930-2200Rambling conversation about work and Eve, all during co-op play using very expensive (in-game) items to earn massive amounts of in-game currency. 2200â€Å"eve time†ends, log off. 2215-2240Pack bag for tomorrow, say good night to wife (who stays up later than me). 2245Lights out and to sleep.
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